5 | import Data.SortedSet
6 | import Data.List.Lazy
7 | import Control.Monad.State
11 | %hide Util.Direction
15 | data Direction = Up | Down | Left | Right
18 | Show Direction where
22 | show Right = "Right"
27 | (==) Down Down = True
29 | (==) Left Left = True
31 | (==) Right Right = True
32 | (==) Right _ = False
38 | (<) Down Down = False
40 | (<) Left Left = False
41 | (<) Left Right = True
43 | (<) Right Right = False
46 | turnRight : Direction -> Direction
47 | turnRight Up = Right
48 | turnRight Right = Down
49 | turnRight Down = Left
52 | data Cell = Empty | Visited | Obstruction
53 | %name Cell
cell, cell2
55 | visited : Cell -> Bool
56 | visited Visited = True
59 | charToCell : Char -> Cell
60 | charToCell '#' = Obstruction
61 | charToCell _ = Empty
63 | Grid : (rows : Nat) -> (cols : Nat) -> Type
64 | Grid rows cols = Vect (S rows) (Vect (S cols) Cell)
66 | step : {rows, cols : Nat} -> Direction -> Coord rows cols -> Maybe (Coord rows cols)
67 | step Up (FZ, col) = Nothing
68 | step Up ((FS x), col) = Just (weaken x, col)
69 | step Down (row, col) =
70 | if row < last then Just $
(finS row, col) else Nothing
71 | step Left (row, FZ) = Nothing
72 | step Left (row, (FS x)) = Just (row, weaken x)
73 | step Right (row, col) =
74 | if col < last then Just $
(row, finS col) else Nothing
76 | isObstruction : Coord rows cols -> Grid rows cols -> Bool
77 | isObstruction (row, col) xs =
78 | let row' = row `index`xs
79 | in case col `index` row' of
83 | visitCell : Coord rows cols -> Grid rows cols -> Grid rows cols
84 | visitCell (row, col) xs =
85 | let row' = row `index` xs
86 | row'' = replaceAt col Visited row'
87 | in replaceAt row row'' xs
89 | isVisit : Grid rows cols -> Coord rows cols -> Bool
90 | isVisit xs (row, col) =
91 | let row' = row `index` xs
92 | cell = col `index` row'
97 | obstructCell : Coord rows cols -> Grid rows cols -> Grid rows cols
98 | obstructCell (row, col) xs =
99 | let row' = row `index` xs
100 | row'' = replaceAt col Obstruction row'
101 | in replaceAt row row'' xs
106 | grid : Grid rows cols
107 | guard_pos : Coord rows cols
108 | guard_dir : Direction
112 | advanceGuard : Room -> Maybe Room
113 | advanceGuard (MkRoom rows cols grid guard_pos guard_dir) = do
115 | next_pos <- step guard_dir guard_pos
117 | case isObstruction next_pos grid of
120 | let next_grid = visitCell next_pos grid
121 | in Just $
MkRoom rows cols next_grid next_pos guard_dir
124 | advanceGuard (MkRoom rows cols grid guard_pos (turnRight guard_dir))
127 | advanceAll : Room -> Room
129 | case advanceGuard room of
131 | Just next => advanceAll next
134 | Cache = SortedSet (Nat, Nat, Direction)
137 | andvanceAll' : Room -> (Room, Bool)
138 | andvanceAll' room =
139 | snd . runState empty $
(advanceAll'' room)
141 | advanceAll'' : Room -> State Cache (Room, Bool)
142 | advanceAll'' room = do
144 | let (row, col) = room.guard_pos
145 | let (row, col) = (finToNat row, finToNat col)
146 | let key = (row, col, room.guard_dir)
147 | if contains key cache
148 | then pure (room, True)
150 | modify (insert key)
151 | case advanceGuard room of
152 | Nothing => pure (room, False)
153 | Just next => advanceAll'' next
155 | visitedPositions : Room -> Nat
156 | visitedPositions (MkRoom rows cols grid guard_pos guard_dir) =
157 | count visited . Data.Vect.concat $
159 | visitedSet : Room -> SortedSet (Nat, Nat)
160 | visitedSet (MkRoom rows cols grid guard_pos guard_dir) =
162 | map (\(x, y) => (finToNat x, finToNat y)) . toList $
filter (isVisit grid) $
163 | in fromList canidates
165 | loops : Room -> List (Nat, Nat)
166 | loops room@(MkRoom rows cols grid guard_pos guard_dir) =
169 | visits = visitedSet . advanceAll $
170 | canidates = filter (\x => not $
x == guard_pos) $
171 | canidates = filter (\(x, y) => contains (finToNat x, finToNat y) visits) canidates
174 | map (\(x, y) => (finToNat x, finToNat y)) .
178 | (\x => MkRoom rows cols x guard_pos guard_dir) .
179 | (\x => obstructCell x grid)
185 | show room@(MkRoom rows cols grid guard_pos guard_dir) =
186 | "Grid with dimensions: \{show rows}, \{show cols}\n" ++
187 | "Guard position: \{show guard_pos}\n" ++
188 | "Guard direction: \{show guard_dir}\n" ++
189 | "Visited positions: \{show $ visitedPositions room}"
191 | showGrid : Room -> String
192 | showGrid (MkRoom rows cols grid guard_pos guard_dir) =
193 | unlines . toList . map (pack . toList . map cellToChar) $
195 | cellToChar : Cell -> Char
196 | cellToChar Empty = '.'
197 | cellToChar Visited = 'X'
198 | cellToChar Obstruction = '#'
200 | parseInput : String -> Maybe Room
201 | parseInput str = do
202 | (
rows ** cols ** char_grid)
<- stringTo2D str
203 | let (grid, guard_rows) = unzip . map parseRow $
204 | guard_row <- findIndex isJust guard_rows
205 | guard_col <- join . find isJust $
206 | let guard_pos = (guard_row, guard_col)
208 | let grid = visitCell guard_pos grid
209 | Just $
MkRoom rows cols grid guard_pos Up
211 | parseRow : Vect (S cols) Char -> (Vect (S cols) Cell, Maybe (Fin (S cols)))
213 | let guard_col = findIndex (=='^') xs
214 | grid_row = map charToCell xs
215 | in (grid_row, guard_col)
218 | part1 : String -> IO (String, Room)
220 | Just room <- pure $
parseInput str
221 | | Nothing => do putStrLn "Failed to parse input"
223 | let stepped = advanceAll room
224 | pure $
(show . visitedPositions $
stepped, room)
227 | part2 : Room -> String -> IO String
229 | pure . show . length $
loops room