0 | module Structures.PriorityQueue.BinomialQueue
5 | import Decidable.Equality
7 | import Structures.PriorityQueue
15 | data BinomialTree : (e : Type) -> (rank : Nat) -> Type where
16 | Singleton : (element : e)
18 | Link : (root : BinomialTree e n) -> (leftmost_child : BinomialTree e n)
19 | -> BinomialTree e (S n)
20 | %name BinomialTree
bt, ct, dt
22 | BinomialPair : Type -> Type
23 | BinomialPair e = (rank : Nat ** BinomialTree e rank)
26 | root : (tree : BinomialTree e n) -> e
27 | root (Singleton element) = element
28 | root (Link x leftmost_child) = root x
33 | link : Ord e => (x, y : BinomialTree e n) -> BinomialTree e (S n)
35 | let (x_val, y_val) = (root x, root y)
41 | rank : (tree : BinomialTree e n) -> Nat
42 | rank (Singleton _) = 0
43 | rank (Link root _) = S (rank root)
45 | rankEq : (tree : BinomialTree e n) -> n = rank tree
46 | rankEq (Singleton _) = Refl
47 | rankEq (Link root leftmost_child) =
48 | let rest = rankEq root
51 | toPair : (tree : BinomialTree e n) -> BinomialPair e
54 | rewrite sym $
rankEq tree in tree)
57 | extractRoot : (tree : BinomialTree e n) -> (e, List (BinomialPair e))
58 | extractRoot (Singleton element) = (element, [])
59 | extractRoot (Link root leftmost_child) =
60 | let (element, rest) = extractRoot root
61 | in (element, toPair leftmost_child :: rest)
66 | record BinomialQueue (e : Type) where
70 | forest : Vect forest_size (BinomialPair e)
71 | %name BinomialQueue
bq, cq, dq
75 | Ord e => {n : Nat} ->
76 | (x : BinomialPair e) ->
77 | (xs : Vect n (BinomialPair e))
78 | -> (m : Nat ** Vect m (BinomialPair e))
79 | insertTree x [] = (
1 ** [x])
80 | insertTree (
x_n ** x)
y_n ** y)
:: xs) =
81 | case decEq x_n y_n of
82 | Yes Refl => insertTree (
S x_n ** link x y)
85 | then (
_ ** (
x_n ** x)
:: (
y_n ** y)
:: xs)
87 | let (
rest_len ** rest)
= insertTree (
x_n **x)
88 | in (
_ ** (
y_n ** y)
:: rest)
92 | Ord e => {n, m : Nat} ->
93 | (xs : Vect n (BinomialPair e)) ->
94 | (ys : Vect m (BinomialPair e))
95 | -> (o : Nat ** Vect o (BinomialPair e))
96 | meld' xs [] = (
length xs ** rewrite lengthCorrect xs in xs)
97 | meld' xs (y :: ys) =
98 | let (
_ ** res)
= insertTree y xs
102 | PriorityQueue BinomialQueue where
103 | empty = MkBQ o 0 []
105 | singleton element = MkBQ o 1 [(
0 ** Singleton element)
107 | isNull bq = null bq.forest
109 | length (MkBQ _ forest_size forest) =
110 | let lens = map (\(
x ** _)
=> 2 `power` x) forest
113 | findMin (MkBQ _ forest_size forest) =
116 | ((
_ ** x)
:: xs) =>
118 | xs = map (\(_ ** y) => root y) xs
119 | in Just $
foldl min x xs
122 | let (xs, ys) = (x.forest, y.forest)
123 | (
new_size ** new_forest)
= meld' @{x.o} xs ys
124 | in MkBQ x.o new_size new_forest
126 | insert element queue =
127 | meld (singleton {o = queue.o} element) queue
129 | deleteMin (MkBQ o forest_size forest) with (forest)
130 | deleteMin (MkBQ o 0 forest) | [] = MkBQ o 0 []
131 | deleteMin (MkBQ o (S 0) forest) | ((
rank ** tree)
:: []) =
132 | let rest = reverse . snd . extractRoot $
133 | in MkBQ o (length rest) (fromList rest)
134 | deleteMin (MkBQ o (S (S len)) forest) | (x :: y :: xs) =
135 | let (idx, (
min_n ** min_tree)
) = findMin (y :: xs) (0, x) 1
136 | without_min = deleteAt idx forest
137 | (
rest_len ** rest)
= listToVect . reverse . snd . extractRoot $
138 | (
new_size ** new_forest)
= meld' without_min rest
139 | in MkBQ o new_size new_forest
141 | listToVect : List a -> (n : Nat ** Vect n a)
142 | listToVect xs = (
length xs ** fromList xs)
145 | (xs : Vect n (BinomialPair e)) ->
146 | (acc : (Fin m, BinomialPair e)) ->
148 | -> (Fin m, BinomialPair e)
149 | findMin [] acc idx = acc
150 | findMin ((
x_rank ** x)
:: xs) orig_acc@(acc_idx, (
acc_rank ** acc)
) idx =
151 | if (<) @{o} (root x) (root acc)
152 | then findMin xs (idx, (
x_rank ** x)
) (finS idx)
153 | else findMin xs orig_acc (finS idx)