The interface of a Parser
module Parser.Interface
import public Data.List1
import public Parser.ParserState
import public Control.Eff
export infixr 4 >|
export infixr 5 >&
Parser Errors
Combine the parser state at time of error with an error message.
public export
data ParseError : Type where
-- TODO: Rename this constructor
MkParseError : (state : ParserInternal Id) -> (message : String) -> ParseError
BeforeParse : (message : String) -> ParseError
NestedErrors : (state : ParserInternal Id) -> (message : String)
-> (rest : List ParseError) -> ParseError
Type Alias
public export
Parser : Type -> Type
Parser a = Eff [ParserState, Except ParseError] a
Error Generation
Provide a few effectful actions to generate an error from an error message, and either return it or throw it.
parseError : Has ParserState fs => (message : String) -> Eff fs ParseError
parseError message = do
state <- save
pure $ MkParseError state message
throwParseError : Has ParserState fs => Has (Except ParseError) fs =>
(message : String) -> Eff fs a
throwParseError message = do
err <- parseError message
throw err
guardMaybe : Has ParserState fs => Has (Except ParseError) fs =>
(message : String) -> Eff fs (Maybe a) -> Eff fs a
guardMaybe message x = do
Just x <- x
| _ => throwParseError message
pure x
replaceError : (message : String) -> Parser (a -> Parser b)
replaceError message = do
state <- save
pure (\_ => throw $ MkParseError state message)
Running a parser
We will use the phrasing "rundown" to refer to running all the effects in the
parser effect stack except ParserState
, which is left in the effect stack to
facilitate handling in the context of another monad or effect stack, since it
benefits from mutability.
Rundown a parser, accepting the first returning parse, which may be failing or
succeding, and automatically generating a "no valid parses" message in the event
no paths in the Choice
effect produce a returning parse.
rundownFirst : (f : Parser a) -> Eff [ParserState] (Either ParseError a)
rundownFirst f =
runExcept f
Provide wrappers for rundownFirst
for evaluating it in various contexts.
runFirstIO : HasIO io => MonadRec io =>
(f : Parser a) -> String -> io (Either ParseError a)
runFirstIO f str = do
Just state <- newInternalIO str
| _ => pure . Left $ BeforeParse "Empty input"
runEff (rundownFirst f) [handleParserStateIO state]
runFirstIODebug : (f : Parser a) -> String -> IO (Either ParseError a)
runFirstIODebug f str = do
Just state <- newInternalIO str
| _ => pure . Left $ BeforeParse "Empty input"
runEff (rundownFirst f) [handleParserStateIODebug state]
runFirst : (f : Parser a) -> String -> Eff fs (Either ParseError a)
runFirst f str = do
Just state <- pure $ newInternal str
| _ => pure . Left $ BeforeParse "Empty input"
(result, _) <- lift . runParserState state . rundownFirst $ f
pure result
runFirst' : (f : Parser a) -> String -> Either ParseError a
runFirst' f str = extract $ runFirst f str {fs = []}
Utility functionality
Parser combinators
Try to run a computation in the context of the Parser
effect stack, if it
fails (via Except
), reset the state and resort to the supplied callback
Also supply a version specialized to ignore the error value, returning Just a
if the parse succeeds, and Nothing
if it fails.
try : (f : Parser a) -> (err : ParseError -> Parser a) -> Parser a
try f err = do
starting_state <- save
result <- lift . runExcept $ f
case result of
Left error => do
load starting_state
err error
Right result => pure result
tryMaybe : (f : Parser a) -> Parser (Maybe a)
tryMaybe f = try (map Just f) (\_ => pure Nothing)
tryEither : (f : Parser a) -> Parser (Either ParseError a)
tryEither f = try (map Right f) (pure . Left)
Attempt to parse one of the given input parsers, in the provided order, invoking the provided error action on failure.
The state will not be modified when an input parser fails
oneOfE : (err : String) -> List (Parser a) -> Parser a
oneOfE err xs = do
start <- save
oneOfE' err start [] xs
oneOfE' : (err : String) -> (start : ParserInternal Id)
-> (errs : List ParseError) -> List (Parser a) -> Parser a
oneOfE' err start errs [] = do
throw $ NestedErrors start err (reverse errs)
oneOfE' err start errs (x :: xs) = do
x <- tryEither x
case x of
Right val => pure val
Left error => oneOfE' err start (error :: errs) xs
Attempt to parse 0+ of an item
many : (f : Parser a) -> Parser (List a)
many f = do
Just next <- tryMaybe f
| _ => pure []
map (next ::) $ many f
Attempt to parse 1+ of an item, invoking the supplied error action on failure
atLeastOne : (err : ParseError -> Parser (List1 a)) -> (f : Parser a)
-> Parser (List1 a)
atLeastOne err f = do
Right next <- tryEither f
| Left e => err e
map (next :::) $ many f
Lift a parser producing a List
or List1
of Char
into a parser producing a
-- TODO: Rename these
liftString : Parser (List Char) -> Parser String
liftString x = do
xs <- x
pure $ pack xs
liftString' : Parser (List1 Char) -> Parser String
liftString' x = liftString $ map forget x
Attempt to parse a specified character
charExact : Char -> Parser Char
charExact c = do
result <- charExact' c
case result of
GotChar char => pure char
GotError err => throwParseError "Got \{show err} Expected \{show c}"
EndOfInput => throwParseError "End of input"
Attempt to parse one of a list of chars
theseChars : List Char -> Parser Char
theseChars cs = do
pnote "Parsing one of: \{show cs}"
result <- charPredicate (\x => any (== x) cs)
case result of
GotChar char => pure char
GotError err => throwParseError "Got \{show err} Expected one of \{show cs}"
EndOfInput => throwParseError "End of input"
Attempt to parse an exact string
exactString : String -> Parser String
exactString str with (asList str)
exactString "" | [] = do
pnote "Parsing the empty string"
pure ""
exactString input@(strCons c str) | (c :: x) = do
pnote "Parsing exact string \{show input}"
GotChar next <- charPredicate (== c)
| GotError err => throwParseError "Got \{show err} expected \{show c}"
| EndOfInput => throwParseError "End of input"
rest <- exactString str | x
pure input
Wrap a parser in delimiter characters, discarding the value of the delimiters
delimited : (before, after : Char) -> Parser a -> Parser a
delimited before after x = do
pnote "Parsing delimited by \{show before} \{show after}"
starting_state <- save
_ <- charExact before
Right val <- tryEither x
| Left err => do
load starting_state
throw err
Just _ <- tryMaybe $ charExact after
| _ => do
load starting_state
throw $ MkParseError starting_state "Unmatched delimiter \{show before}"
pure val
Consume any number of characters of the provided character class and discard the result. Also a version for doing so on both sides of a provided parser
nom : Parser Char -> Parser ()
nom x = do
pnote "Nomming"
_ <- many x
pure ()
surround : (around : Parser Char) -> (item : Parser a) -> Parser a
surround around item = do
pnote "Surrounding"
nom around
val <- item
nom around
pure val
Composition of boolean functions
||| Return true if both of the predicates evaluate to true
public export
(>&) : (a : e -> Bool) -> (b : e -> Bool) -> (e -> Bool)
(>&) a b x = a x && b x
||| Return true if either of the predicates evaulates to true
public export
(>|) : (a : e -> Bool) -> (b : e -> Bool) -> (e -> Bool)
(>|) a b x = a x || b x