Year 2015 Day 12

This day provides an introduction to our new Parser.JSON module, as well as the use of DLists1 to collect values from an indexed type family into a single collection.

import Structures.Dependent.DList

import Parser
import Parser.JSON


Parse a list of JSON values into a DList.

JSONValue's type constructor has the signature JSONType -> Type, forming what is known as an "Indexed Type Family".

Each type of JSON value has a separate type, e.g. a Bool has type JSONValue TBool, a String has type JSONValue TString, etc. While these are all separate types, they all share the JSONValue component of the type constructor, making them members of the same family.

Despite being members of the same type family, they still have different types, so we can't just shove JSONValues of different types into, say, a List JSONValue, we need a collection with some amount of heterogeneity. While a List (type : JSONType ** JSONValue type) would work, that introduces various ergonomic headaches, so instead we return a DList1, a List like data structure specifically designed for collecting values from an indexed typed family into a single collection.

The parsing logic is otherwise quite simple, we use the many combinator to turn the value parser, which parses a single JSON value, into one that parses a list of JSON values, and then use DList's fromList method to collect the results into a DList.

parseJsons : Has (Except String) fs => Has IO fs => (input : String)
  -> Eff fs (types : List JSONType ** DList JSONType JSONValue types) 
parseJsons input = do
  result <- runFirstIO (many value) input
  case result of
    Left err => throw $ show err
    Right result => pure $ fromList result


A reducer for DList.dFoldL that sums all the numbers within the contained JSON Value.

The outer function is meant to be called on a top level object, using DList.dFoldL on a DList of JSONValues, where as the inner function directly reduces a JSONValue using JSON.dFoldL.

sumNumbers : Double -> (type : JSONType) -> (value : JSONValue type) -> Double
sumNumbers dbl type value = dFoldL sumNumbers' dbl value
    sumNumbers' : Double -> (type : JSONType) -> (value : JSONValue type) -> Double
    sumNumbers' dbl TNumber (VNumber d) = dbl + d
    sumNumbers' dbl _ value = dbl

Filter out objects containing a "red" key

noRed  : (type : JSONType) -> (value : JSONValue type) -> Bool
noRed TObject value = 
  let (types ** vals= getValues value
  in case dFind (\t, v => 
                  case t of
                    TString => v == (VString "red")
                    _ => False
                ) vals of
    Nothing => True
    Just _ => False
noRed _ value = True

sumNumbersNoRed : 
  Double -> (type : JSONType) -> (value : JSONValue type) -> Double
sumNumbersNoRed dbl type value = 
  case dFilter noRed value of
    Nothing => dbl
    Just value => sumNumbers dbl type value

Part Functions

Part 1

Parse our JSONs, then fold our sumNumbers reducer over them.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) 
            (Double, (types : List JSONType ** DList JSONType JSONValue types))
part1 = do
  input <- askAt "input"
  (types ** values<- parseJsons input
  let result = dFoldL sumNumbers 0.0 values
  pure (result, (types ** values))

Part 2

part2 : (types : List JSONType ** DList JSONType JSONValue types)
  -> Eff (PartEff String) Double
part2 (types ** values= do
  let result = dFoldL sumNumbersNoRed 0.0 values
  pure result
