Year 2015 Day 6
Introduction to the advent of code classic 2d grid problem.
import Util
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.List1
import Data.Vect
import Data.Fin
import Data.String
import Data.IORef
Parsing and data structures
Grid structure
Since this is our first 2d grid problem, we'll keep it simple and use a Vect
of Vect
s to store our problem state, we'll revisit a more complicated but more
efficient structure for storing a 2d Grid
in a later problem.
This alias adds 1 to each of its arguments to ensure non-emptyness.
Grid : (rows, cols : Nat) -> Type -> Type
Grid rows cols e = Vect (S rows) (Vect (S cols) e)
We also provide a type alias for the coordinates in this grid, a simple pair of
Coord : (rows, cols : Nat) -> Type
Coord rows cols = (Fin (S rows), Fin (S cols))
Range extraction helpers
Convert a Vect
to a lazy list
vectToLazy : Vect n e -> LazyList e
vectToLazy [] = []
vectToLazy (x :: xs) = x :: vectToLazy xs
Extract an inclusive range of indexes from a Vect
as a lazy list
extractSegment : (start, end : Fin n) -> Vect n e -> LazyList e
extractSegment start end xs =
let xs = take (1 + finToNat end) . vectToLazy $ xs
in drop (finToNat start) xs
Command data structures
The three types of action that can be performed on a light.
data Action = On | Off | Toggle
The range of coordinates that a command affects
record Range (rows, cols : Nat) where
constructor MkRange
top_left, bottom_right : Coord rows cols
Helper function to extract a range of values from our Grid.
First extracts the range of rows this Range
touches, then maps a an extractor
for the range of columns it touches across them, before lazily concatenating the
resulting lists.
extractRange : Range rows cols -> Grid rows cols e -> LazyList e
extractRange (MkRange (x_start, y_start) (x_end, y_end)) xs =
let rs = extractSegment x_start x_end xs
cs = map (extractSegment y_start y_end) rs
in foldrLazy (\e, acc => e ++ acc) [] cs
An action and its associated range
record Command (rows, cols : Nat) where
constructor MkCmd
action : Action
range : Range rows cols
Pattern match on the action string, throwing an error if the action was invalid
parseAction : Has (Except String) fs =>
(input : String) -> Eff fs Action
parseAction "on" = pure On
parseAction "off" = pure Off
parseAction "toggle" = pure Toggle
parseAction str = throw "Invalid action: \{str}"
Attempt to split the string into two parts on the comma, and then attempt to
parse the parts as Fin
s, throwing an appropriate error if anything goes wrong
parseCoord : Has (Except String) fs =>
{rows, cols : Nat} -> (input : String) -> Eff fs (Coord rows cols)
parseCoord input =
case split (== ',') input of
head ::: [] => throw "Pair only had one component: \{input}"
head ::: [tail] => do
x <- note "Invalid x coordinate: \{head}" $ parsePositive head
y <- note "Invalid y coordinate: \{tail}" $ parsePositive tail
pure (x, y)
head ::: xs => throw "Pair had \{show $ 1 + length xs} components: \{input}"
Parse two pairs together into a range
parseRange : Has (Except String) fs =>
{rows, cols : Nat} -> (pair1, pair2 : String) -> Eff fs (Range rows cols)
parseRange pair1 pair2 = do
top_left <- parseCoord pair1
bottom_right <- parseCoord pair2
pure $ MkRange top_left bottom_right
Split a string into a list of parts, pattern matching those parts to attempt to
extract a Command
parseCommand : Has (Except String) fs => Has Logger fs =>
{rows, cols : Nat} -> (input : String) -> Eff fs (Command rows cols)
parseCommand input = do
trace "Parsing command: \{input}"
case split (== ' ') input of
"toggle" ::: [pair1, "through", pair2] => do
range <- parseRange pair1 pair2
let cmd = MkCmd Toggle range
debug "Parsed \{show cmd} from: \{input}"
pure cmd
"turn" ::: [action, pair1, "through", pair2] => do
action <- parseAction action
range <- parseRange pair1 pair2
let cmd = MkCmd action range
debug "Parsed \{show cmd} from: \{input}"
pure cmd
_ => throw "Improper command: \{input}"
Problem structure
Since we are dealing with a million slots here, we'll want some level of true
mutability. The actual structure containing the slots doesn't need to be
modified once its setup, so we'll make the mutability interior to the slots and
keep a Grid
of IORef
We'll setup a helper function to initialize our grid based on a seed value.
ioGrid : Has IO fs =>
(rows, cols : Nat) -> (seed : e) -> Eff fs $ Grid rows cols (IORef e)
ioGrid rows cols seed =
let grid : Grid rows cols _ = replicate _ (replicate _ (newIORef seed))
in traverse (traverse id) grid
Convert a Grid
of IORef
s into a Grid
of pure values by traversing the
operation over our Grid
purify : Has IO fs =>
{rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef e) -> Eff fs $ Grid rows cols e
purify grid = traverse (traverse readIORef) grid
Solver Functions
Part 1 Variants
namespace Part1
Apply a given command to our Grid
of IORef
Use our extractRange
function to extract all the IORef
s in the grid cells
touched by our Range
and then traverse an appropriate mutating action over
applyCommand : Has IO fs =>
{rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef Bool) -> Command rows cols -> Eff fs ()
applyCommand xs (MkCmd action range) =
let cells = extractRange range xs
in case action of
On => Lazy.traverse_ (`writeIORef` True) cells
Off => Lazy.traverse_ (`writeIORef` False) cells
Toggle => Lazy.traverse_ (`modifyIORef` not) cells
Apply a list of commands to our Grid
of IORef
s, doing some debug logging
along the way.
applyCommands : Has IO fs => Has Logger fs =>
{rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef Bool) -> List (Command rows cols)
-> Eff fs ()
applyCommands grid xs = applyCommands' 0 (length xs) xs
applyCommands' : (idx, len : Nat) -> List (Command rows cols) -> Eff fs ()
applyCommands' idx len [] = pure ()
applyCommands' idx len (x :: xs) = do
debug "Part 1 - Applying command \{show idx}/\{show len}: \{show x}"
applyCommand grid x
applyCommands' (S idx) len xs
Part 2 Variants
namespace Part2
Much the same as above, but instead we apply the part 2 rules to a Grid
applyCommand : Has IO fs =>
{rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef Nat) -> Command rows cols -> Eff fs ()
applyCommand xs (MkCmd action range) =
let cells = extractRange range xs
in case action of
On => Lazy.traverse_ (`modifyIORef` (+ 1)) cells
Off => Lazy.traverse_ (`modifyIORef` (`minus` 1)) cells
Toggle => Lazy.traverse_ (`modifyIORef` (+ 2)) cells
Identical to above, except for using our part 2 applyCommand
. We can use the
same name here because we have the two variants behind namespaces and Idris can
disambiguate via the types.
applyCommands : Has IO fs => Has Logger fs =>
{rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef Nat) -> List (Command rows cols)
-> Eff fs ()
applyCommands grid xs = applyCommands' 0 (length xs) xs
applyCommands' : (idx, len : Nat) -> List (Command rows cols) -> Eff fs ()
applyCommands' idx len [] = pure ()
applyCommands' idx len (x :: xs) = do
debug "Part 2 - Applying command \{show idx}/\{show len}: \{show x}"
applyCommand grid x
applyCommands' (S idx) len xs
Day functions
Part 1
Parse our commands, generate our initial Grid
with all the lights turned off
(represented by False
), apply our commands to it, purify it, and count the
lights that are turned on.
Pass out our list of parsed commands as the context for reuse in part 2.
part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Nat, List (Command 999 999))
part1 = do
input <- map (lines . trim) $ askAt "input"
commands <- traverse parseCommand input
grid <- ioGrid 999 999 False
applyCommands grid commands
grid <- purify grid
let lights_on = sum . map (count id) $ grid
pure $ (lights_on, commands)
Part 2
This time, use an initial Grid
with all brightness values at 0, apply our list
of preparsed commands using our part 2 applyCommands
function (selected via
the type signature), and then add up the brightnesses.
part2 : List (Command 999 999) -> Eff (PartEff String) Nat
part2 commands = do
grid <- ioGrid 999 999 (the Nat 0)
applyCommands grid commands
grid <- purify grid
let brightness = sum . map sum $ grid
pure brightness