
The goal of this project is to get all 500 currently available stars in the form of one single Idris application, and thoroughly document the results as literate Idris files.

Authors Note

This entire book is a single literate code base, the source code is available at

The solutions contained in this project are intended to be read in sequential order, though can reasonably be read in any order if you have a good level of familiarity with more advanced functional programming topics.

The solutions will involve progressively more advanced topics as day and year number increase, though I try not to introduce too much within the scope of any one day.

Suggestions and other feedback are highly welcome, please reach out to me via any platform you know me on, or send an email to the ~thatonelutenist/public-inbox mailing list on source hut.

While this project is intended to read more like a book, while it is still a work in progress, you can follow its development as a psuedo-blog by subscribing to the rss feed for the repository in your feed reader:

Index of non-day modules

  • Runner

    Provides data structures for structuring the division of the project into years, days, and parts.

  • Main

Provides the Runner based command line interface for running a selected day's solution.

  • Util

    Provides extensions of the functionality of the standard library and external libraries. Extensions to the standard library are in the base of this module.

    • Util.Eff

      Extend the functionality of the effects included in the eff library

    • Util.Digits

      Provide views that enable recursively pattern matching numbers as lists of digits, in both ascending and descending order of significance.

  • Array

    Provider wrappers over the standard library IOArray type to make them more ergonomic to use.

  • Parser

    Effectful parser mini-library

    JSON Parser

Index of years and days

  • 2015
    • Day 1

      Warm up problem, breaks in our new runner and not much else interesting.

    • Day 2

      An early hint of effectful parsing.

    • Day 3

      Peculiarities of writing mutually recursive functions in dependently typed languages.

    • Day 4

      Basic FFI to openssl to steal its MD5 function for Idris's use.

    • Day 5

      First introduction to views and dependent pattern matching1.

    • Day 6

      Naive approach to handling the first 2d grid problem.

    • Day 7

      Introduces dependent maps and indexed type families.

    • Day 8

      Proper effectful parsers and non-determinism in effect stacks.

    • Day 9

      Naive approach to handling the first graph traversal problem.

    • Day 10

      Introduce our Digits, dependent pattern matching on integers as lists of digits.

    • Day 11

      Introduces refinement types

    • Day 12

      New Parser Effect stack and DLists

    • Day 13

      Naive ring buffer and parameters blocks2

    • Day 14

      Introduction to streams, infinite collections of data



Idris 2 Manual: Views and the "with" rule

Unified interface for any day from any year

This module provides some basic data types for building an application containing all my solutions to all of the parts of all the days across all of the years.

This provides a defensively built API for constructing the overall Advent data structure that prevents registering a day/year twice or registering days/years out of order.

module Runner

import Control.Eff
import Structures.Dependent.FreshList

import public Util.Eff

%default total

Effectful Parts

The solution to each part of a day is run as an effectful computation, and as the effect stack is meant to be the same across both parts, only varying in the type of the error value for the Except effect, we construct a type level function to have a single source of truth. The err type can be any type with a Show implementation, but that constraint will be tacked on in the next step.

The Logger effect is provided for logging, and a Reader effect is provided to pass in the input, to make the top level API a little bit cleaner. IO is also provided, even though the part solutions themselves shouldn't really be doing any IO, this will come in handy if a part needs IO for performance reasons.

||| The effect type is the same in boths parts one and two, modulo potentially
||| different error types, so we calucate it here
public export
PartEff : (err : Type) -> List (Type -> Type)
PartEff err =
  [IO, Except err, Logger, ReaderL "input" String]

The Day Record

The Day type groups together an effectful part1 computation, an optional effectful part2 computation, and the day number, with some type wrangling to get the type system out of our way.

part1 and part2 are allowed independent output and error types, and this record captures Show implementations for those output and error types so that we can display them in Main, where the Day is consumed, without having to actually know what the types are.

It is often useful to pass a bit of context, such as the data structures resulting from parsing, between part1 and part2. This is achieved through the erased ctx type, which is totally opaque to the runner. The code in Main will provide the value of the ctx type produced as part of the output of part1 and as the input of part2.

||| Model solving a single day
public export
record Day where
  constructor MkDay
  day : Nat
  {0 out1, out2, err1, err2 : Type}
  {auto showOut1 : Show out1}
  {auto showOut2 : Show out2}
  {auto showErr1 : Show err1}
  {auto showErr2 : Show err2}
  part1 : Eff (PartEff err1) (out1, ctx)
  part2 : Maybe (ctx -> Eff (PartEff err2) out2)
%name Day day, day2, day3

Smarter Constructors

The default MkDay constructor is slightly cumbersome to use, always requiring something for the part2 slot, even if there isn't a part 2 yet, and requiring that part2 be wrapped in a Just when there is one. We provide a pair of constructors for the case where there is only a part1, as well as one for when there is a part1 and a part2.

namespace Day


The First constructor only accepts a part1, it does the work of filling in part2 with Nothing and setting all of part2's type arguments to ().

  ||| Constructor for a day with only part one ready to run
  public export
  First : Show err => Show out =>
    (day : Nat) -> (part1 : Eff (PartEff err) (out, ctx'))
    -> Day
  First day part1 =
    MkDay day part1 Nothing {out2 = ()} {err2 = ()}


The Both constructor does less heavy lifting, the only thing it needs to do is wrap part2 in a Just.

  ||| Constructor for a day with both parts ready to run
  public export
  Both : Show o1 => Show o2 => Show e1 => Show e2 =>
    (day : Nat) -> (part1 : Eff (PartEff e1) (o1, ctx')) ->
    (part2 :ctx' -> Eff (PartEff e2) o2)
    -> Day
  Both day part1 part2 =
    MkDay day part1 (Just part2)


We will be using a Fresh List from the structures package to build our API defensively against duplicate days and cosmetically annoying out of order day registration. A Fresh List structurally only allows you to prepend/cons an element onto it when it satisfies some freshness criteria relative to the elements already contained in the list.

We compare the day numbers of the two Days using the less-than(<) relationship. Since we are operating on the start of the list when this comparison takes place, this enforces, through type checking, that the resulting Fresh List of Days is sorted in ascending order and that no two Days have the same day number.

||| Freshness criteria for days
||| A day is fresh compared to another if the day number of the former day is
||| strictly less than the day number of the latter day
||| This ensures that the days list is always in incrimenting sorted order
||| (since we are consing to the front of the list) with no duplicate days
public export
FreshDay : Day -> Day -> Bool
FreshDay x y = <

The Year Record

The Year record collects a number of Days into a single Fresh List for the year, also containing the year number for this collection.

||| Collect all the days in a given year
public export
record Year where
  constructor MkYear
  year : Nat
  days : FreshList FreshDay Day
%name Year year, year2, year3


Much like Days are stored in a FreshList in Year, Years will be stored in a FreshList in Advent, so we need to provide a freshness criteria for Year as well.

We do so by applying the less-than relationship against the year number of the two Years, for the same reasons and with the same results as with FreshDay.

||| Freshness criteria for years
||| A year is fresh compared to another if the year number of the former year is
||| strictly less than the year number of the latter year
||| This ensures that the years list is always in incrimenting sorted order
||| (since we are consing to the front of the list) with no duplicate years
public export
FreshYear : Year -> Year -> Bool
FreshYear x y = x.year < y.year

The Advent Record

The Advent record collects a number of Years in much the same way that Year collects a number of days.

||| Collect all years
public export
record Advent where
  constructor MkAdvent
  years : FreshList FreshYear Year
%name Advent advent, advent2, advent3


namespace Advent


This is a utility function that searches the FreshList of Years for the provided year number, then searches the resulting Year, if one exists, for the provided day number.

We don't have to worry about potentially encountering duplicates here because of the freshness restriction.

  ||| Attempt to locate `Day` entry corresponding to the provided day and year numbers
  locate : (year, day : Nat) -> Advent -> Maybe Day
  locate year day advent = do
    year <- find (\x => x.year == year) advent.years
    find (\x => == day) year.days

Advent of Code

This module provides a command line interface for running the solution to a specific day for a specific year, run as advent $YEAR $DAY.

This runner will automatically locate the appropriate input file and then run the selected day's solution against it. See Runner for the definitions of the Day, Year, and Advent data types.

module Main

import System
import System.Path
import System.File
import System.Directory
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Data.String
import Data.Vect

import Control.Eff
import Derive.Prelude

import Structures.Dependent.FreshList

import Runner
import Util
import Util.Eff

import Years.Y2015;

%language ElabReflection
%default total

Command Line Interface

Since this is a simple application, I am using GetOpt from contrib for argument parsing. Here we define our options list, a data type to describe our flags, and the usage message header.

data Flag = UseExample | Verbose
%runElab derive "Flag" [Eq, Show]

options : List (OptDescr Flag)
options =
    MkOpt ['u'] ["use-example"] (NoArg UseExample) "Use example input instead of main input"
  , MkOpt ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "Enable logging to stderr"

header : String
header = "Usage: advent YEAR DAY [OPTION...]"

Error Type

We will be using one unified error type for the entire Main module, but we must go ahead and define it before we go any further with command line arguments parsing, as we are about to do some things that might fail.

data Error : Type where
  OptionsError : (errs : List String) -> Error
  ArgumentsError : (count : Nat) -> Error
  InvalidYear : (year : String) -> Error
  InvalidDay : (year : Nat) -> (day : String) -> Error
  NoSuchDay : (year : Nat) -> (day : Nat) -> Error
  NoCurrentDir : Error
  InputRead : (path : String) -> (err : FileError) -> Error
  SolveError : Show e => (year, day, part : Nat) -> (err : e) -> Error
%name Error err

A Show implementation for Error is provided, hidden in this document for brevity.

Extract the year and day

After peeling off our options from the arguments using GetOpt, we will be left with a list of non-option arguments, which we must then parse into our year number/day number pair. We perform some pattern matching to make sure the list is the correct length, and then parse the individual integers, throwing an error if anything goes wrong

||| Convert the non-option arguments into a Year/Day pair
argumentsToPair : Has (Except Error) fs =>
  List String -> Eff fs (Nat, Nat)
argumentsToPair [] = throw $ ArgumentsError 0
argumentsToPair [x] = throw $ ArgumentsError 1
argumentsToPair [year, day] = do
  year <- note (InvalidYear year) $ parsePositive year
  day <- note (InvalidDay year day) $ parsePositive day
  pure (year, day)
argumentsToPair xs = throw $ ArgumentsError (length xs)

The Advent

Construct our top-level Advent record from the imported Year modules. The argument to the MkAdvent constructor is a FreshList, with a freshness criteria ensuring that the list is in ascending order and does not include any duplicate Years.

advent : Advent
advent = MkAdvent [

The Hard Part

Now we must glue everything together, parse our arguments, handle any supplied options, locate the relevant year and day, locate the corresponding input file, read it, and then run the selected Day against it.

Because we are building our application around effects, the actual core of the application is the effectful start computation, that the main function will then apply IO based handlers to.

Our reader and writer aren't ready yet, we need to do some setup first, so the top level type signature doesn't include them, so we'll add them to the effects list as they become available.

||| Actual main, as an effectful computation
start : Eff [IO, Except Error] ()
start = do

Parsing the arguments

Feed the augments from System.getArgs into getOpt, making sure to drop the name the binary was invoked with, then check for any errors in the result, throwing our own error if any are encountered.

  -- Read and parse arguments/options
  args <- getArgs
  let opts = getOpt Permute options (drop 1 args)
  when (not . null $ opts.errors) $
    throw (OptionsError opts.errors)

Use our argumentsToPair function to extract the selected year and day numbers from the positional arguments, implicitly throwing an error if there are any failures doing so.

  (year, day_n) <- argumentsToPair opts.nonOptions

Handling the arguments and finding the input

Handle the verbosity flag, if it is set, hook our logger up to stderr, otherwise blackhole the logs. Afterwards, use logHandler to introduce the Logger into the effects list.

  -- If the verbose flag is set, hook up the logging writer to stderr
  let verbosity = count (== Verbose) opts.options
  let logHandler : Eff [IO, Except Error, Logger] () -> Eff [IO, Except Error] () =
    handleLog (Warn >+ verbosity)
  -- Add the logging writer to the effect
  logHandler $ do

Find the current directory and append to it to find the input file. If the --use-example/-u flag is set, look for the input file at inputs/examples/$year/$day, otherwise look for it at inputs/real/$year/$day.

After we've located it, attempt to read from it, throwing an InputRead error if any errors occur, then insert the contents into our Reader and inject it into the effects list.

  -- Locate and read in the input file
  Just cwd <- currentDir | _ => throw NoCurrentDir
  let cwd = parse cwd
  let use_example = any (== UseExample) opts.options
  let base_dir = cwd /> "inputs" /> (if use_example then "examples" else "real");
  let input_path = show $ base_dir /> (show year) /> (show day_n)
  info "Reading input from \{input_path}"
  Right contents <- readFile input_path | Left err => throw $ InputRead input_path err
  -- Now add the reader that provides the input to the effect
  runReaderAt "input" contents {fs = PartEff Error} $ do

Try and locate the Day in our Advent record, throwing an error if we are unable to locate it

  -- Attempt to locate the provided day
  Just day <- pure $ locate year day_n advent | _ => throw $ NoSuchDay year day_n

Executing the parts

Run the selected Day's part 1, wrapping any errors that it returns in a SolveError. Collect both the result and the opaque context value, then print out the result.

  -- Run part 1
  part_1 <- lift $ runExcept day.part1
  (part_1, ctx) <- rethrow . mapLeft (SolveError year day_n 1 @{day.showErr1}) $ part_1
  putStrLn "\{show year} day \{show day_n} part 1:"
  putStrLn $ unlines . map ("  " ++) . lines . show @{day.showOut1} $ part_1

Check and see if the selected Day has a part 2, if it does, feed the opaque context value collected from part 1 into it, wrap any errors that it returns in a SolveError, then print out the result, then return, closing out the program.

  -- Run part 2 if we have it
  case day.part2 of
    Nothing => pure ()
    Just part_2_f => do
      part_2 <- lift . runExcept $ part_2_f ctx
      part_2 <- rethrow . mapLeft (SolveError year day_n 2 @{day.showErr2}) $ part_2
      putStrLn "\{show year} day \{show day_n} part 2:"
      putStrLn $ unlines . map ("  " ++) . lines . show @{day.showOut2} $ part_2

Helper functions


Lower logging into the IO component of the effect

Makes use of Logger's handleLoggerIO function to "lower" logging actions into IO within the effect.

    -- Lowers logging into IO within the effect using the given IO function
    handleLog :
      Has Logger fs => Has IO (fs - Logger) => 
      (max_log : Level) -> Eff fs a -> Eff (fs - Logger) a
    handleLog max_log x = 
        (\msg, f => 
          do _ <- send $ handleLoggerIO max_log msg 
             f $ ignore msg) x

Handle the effectful action as an IO action

Use runEff to translate the effects in start's effects list into IO actions, and return the resulting IO ().

The IO component of the effects list is handled via id, translating IO actions into themselves, and we construct a helper function to handle errors as IO actions by printing the error and crashing the program.

||| Shim main, which simply executes the effectful computation
main : IO ()
main = runEff start [id, handleError]
  handleError : Except Error a -> IO a
  handleError (Err err) = do
    printLn err

Utility functions

This module contains functions that extend the functionality of standard data types, other types of utility functionality get their own module

module Util

import Data.SortedSet
import Data.String
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.List1
import Data.Vect
import Data.Fin

%default total


General utility functions for foldables


  ||| Get the minimum element of a collection using the provided comparison
  ||| function and seed value
  minBy : Foldable f => (cmp : a -> a -> Ordering) -> (acc : a) -> f a -> a
  minBy cmp acc x = 
      (\acc, e => 
        case e `cmp` acc of
          LT => e
          _ => acc)
      acc x

  ||| Get the maximum element of a collection using the provided comparison
  ||| function and seed value
  maxBy : Foldable f => (cmp : a -> a -> Ordering) -> (acc : a) -> f a -> a
  maxBy cmp acc x = 
      (\acc, e => 
        case e `cmp` acc of
          GT => e
          _ => acc)
      acc x



Recursively applies f to seed N times

repeatN : (times : Nat) -> (f : a -> a) -> (seed : a) -> a
repeatN 0 f seed = seed
repeatN (S times') f seed = repeatN times' f (f seed)



Applies a function to the contents of a Left if the value of the given Either is actually a Left, otherwise, leaves Rights untouched.

  mapLeft : (f : a -> b) -> Either a c -> Either b c
  mapLeft f (Left x) = Left (f x)
  mapLeft f (Right x) = Right x



Returns True if the list contains the given value

  contains : Eq a => a -> List a -> Bool
  contains x [] = False
  contains x (y :: xs) = 
    if x == y 
      then True
      else contains x xs


Provides all the 'rotations' of a list.


rotations [1, 2, 3] == [[1, 2, 3], [3, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1]]

  rotations : List a -> List (List a) 
  rotations xs = rotations' (length xs) xs []
      rotations' : Nat -> List a -> (acc : List (List a)) -> List (List a)
      rotations' 0 xs acc = acc
      rotations' (S k) [] acc = acc
      rotations' (S k) (x :: xs) acc = 
        let next = xs ++ [x]
        in rotations' k next (next :: acc)


Lazily generate all of the permutations of a list

  permutations : List a -> LazyList (List a)
  permutations [] = pure []
  permutations xs = do
    (head, tail) <- select xs
    tail <- permutations (assert_smaller xs tail)
    pure $ head :: tail
      consSnd : a -> (a, List a) -> (a, List a)
      consSnd x (y, xs) = (y, x :: xs)
      select : List a -> LazyList (a, List a)
      select [] = []
      select (x :: xs) = (x, xs) :: map (consSnd x) (select xs)



Lazily generate all the permutations of a Vect

  permutations : Vect n a -> LazyList (Vect n a)
  permutations [] = []
  permutations [x] = [[x]]
  permutations (x :: xs) = do
    (head, tail) <- select (x :: xs)
    tail <- permutations tail
    pure $ head :: tail
      consSnd : a -> (a, Vect m a) -> (a, Vect (S m) a)
      consSnd x (y, xs) = (y, x :: xs)
      select : Vect (S m) a -> LazyList (a, Vect m a)
      select [y] = [(y, [])]
      select (y :: (z :: ys)) = 
        (y, z :: ys) :: map (consSnd y) (select (z :: ys))

minBy and maxBy

  ||| Get the minimum element of a non-empty vector by using the provided
  ||| comparison function 
  minBy : (f : a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vect (S n) a -> a
  minBy f (x :: xs) = Foldable.minBy f x xs

  ||| Get the maximum element of a non-empty vector by using the provided
  ||| comparison function 
  maxBy : (f : a -> a -> Ordering) -> Vect (S n) a -> a
  maxBy f (x :: xs) = Foldable.maxBy f x xs

Convert a list to a vect as a sigma type

  listToVect : List a -> (n : Nat ** Vect n a)
  listToVect xs = (length xs ** fromList xs)


  ||| Decriment a Fin, wrapping on overflow
  unfinS : {n : _} -> Fin n -> Fin n
  unfinS FZ = last
  unfinS (FS x) = weaken x


Define some operations for pairs of numbers, treating them roughly like vectors

Addition and Subtraction

  public export
  (>+<) : Num a => (x, y : (a, a)) -> (a, a)
  (x_1, x_2) >+< (y_1, y_2) = (x_1 + y_1, x_2 + y_2)

  public export
  (>-<) : Neg a => (x, y : (a, a)) -> (a, a)
  (x_1, x_2) >-< (y_1, y_2) = (x_1 - y_1, x_2 - y_2)


Extend Data.SortedSet


Count the number of elements in a sorted set

  length : SortedSet k -> Nat
  length x = foldl (\acc, e => acc + 1) 0 x


Extend Data.String


Returns True if needle is a substring of haystack

We first check to see if the needle is a prefix of the top level haystack, before calling into a tail recursive helper function that peels one character off of the string at a time, checking if the needle is a prefix at each step.

  isSubstr : (needle, haystack : String) -> Bool
  isSubstr needle haystack = 
    if needle `isPrefixOf` haystack 
      then True
      else isSubstr' haystack
    isSubstr' : String -> Bool
    isSubstr' str with (asList str)
      isSubstr' "" | [] = False
      isSubstr' (strCons c str) | (c :: x) = 
        if needle `isPrefixOf` str
          then True
          else isSubstr' str | x

Lazy List

Cartesian product

Lazily take the cartesian product of two foldables

  cartProd : Foldable a => Foldable b => a e -> b f -> LazyList (e, f)
  cartProd x y = 
    let y = foldToLazy y
    in foldr (\e, acc => combine e y acc) [] x
      foldToLazy : Foldable a' => a' e' -> LazyList e'
      foldToLazy x = foldr (\e, acc => e :: acc) [] x
      combine : e -> LazyList f -> LazyList (e, f) -> LazyList (e, f)
      combine x [] rest = rest
      combine x (y :: ys) rest = (x, y) :: combine x ys rest


Lazily concatenate a LazyList of LazyLists

  lazyConcat : LazyList (LazyList a) -> LazyList a
  lazyConcat [] = []
  lazyConcat (x :: xs) = x ++ lazyConcat xs


Lazily group a LazyList

  lazyGroup : Eq a => LazyList a -> LazyList (List1 a)
  lazyGroup [] = []
  lazyGroup (x :: xs) = lazyGroup' xs x (x ::: [])
      lazyGroup' : LazyList a -> (current : a) -> (acc : List1 a)
        -> LazyList (List1 a)
      lazyGroup' [] current acc = [acc]
      lazyGroup' (y :: ys) current acc@(head ::: tail) = 
        if y == current
          then lazyGroup' ys current (head ::: (y :: tail))
          else acc :: lazyGroup (y :: ys)


Calculate the length of a LazyList

  length : LazyList a -> Nat
  length = length' 0
      length' : Nat -> LazyList a -> Nat
      length' k [] = k
      length' k (x :: xs) = length' (S k) xs

Effects utilities

Contains utility functions extending the functionality of the eff package.

module Util.Eff

import Control.Eff
import Data.Subset
import Text.ANSI

import System
import System.File

%default total


Log Levels

Basic enumeration describing log levels, we define some (hidden) utility functions for working with these.

The Other n log level is restricted to n greater than 4, to prevent ambiguity between custom log levels and predefined log levels.

public export
data Level : Type where
  Err : Level
  Warn : Level
  Info : Level
  Debug : Level
  Trace : Level
  Other : (n : Nat) -> {auto _ : n `GT` 4} -> Level

Convert a Level into a colorized tag

levelToTag : Level -> String
levelToTag Err =
    show . bolden . show . colored BrightRed $ "[Error]"
levelToTag Warn =
    show . bolden . show . colored BrightYellow $ "[Warning]"
levelToTag Info =
    show . bolden . show . colored Green $ "[Info]"
levelToTag Debug =
    show . bolden . show . colored Magenta $ "[Debug]"
levelToTag Trace =
    show . bolden . show . colored Cyan $ "[Trace]"
levelToTag (Other k) =
    show . bolden . show . colored BrightWhite $ "[\{show k}]"

Logger effect

This is a basic data structure that captures a lazy log message (so we don't have to pay any of the costs associated with generating the log message when it is filtered)

public export
data Logger : Type -> Type where
  Log : (level : Level) -> (msg : Lazy String) -> Logger ()

We'll also provide some basic accessors, and an ignore function useful for writing handlers.

(.level) : Logger t -> Level
(.level) (Log level msg) = level

(.msg) : Logger t -> Lazy String
(.msg) (Log level msg) = msg

ignore : Logger t -> t
ignore (Log level msg) = ()


Because we know that we will only be using logger in an IO context, we aren't currently going to provide a runLogger or the like, instead we'll define a function, suitable for use as a runEff handler, that filters log messages and prints them to stderr over IO.

In the event a log message is filtered out, it's inner message is never inspected, avoiding evaluation.

handleLoggerIO : 
  (max_level : Level) -> Logger t -> IO t
handleLoggerIO max_level x = 
  if x.level <= max_level 
    then do
      _ <- fPutStrLn stderr "\{levelToTag x.level}: \{x.msg}"
      pure . ignore $ x
    else pure . ignore $ x

Provide a family of effectful actions that emit log messages at the different log levels.

error : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
error x = send $ Log Err x

warn : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
warn x = send $ Log Warn x

info : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
info x = send $ Log Info x

debug : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
debug x = send $ Log Debug x

trace : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
trace x = send $ Log Trace x

logAt : Has Logger fs => Level -> Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
logAt level x = send $ Log level x


Lifts any foldable data structure into the Choose effect, enabling the style of nondeterministic programming from the list monad

oneOf : Has (Choose) fs => Foldable f =>
    f a -> Eff fs a
oneOf x = foldl oneOf' empty x
  oneOf' : Eff fs a -> a -> Eff fs a
  oneOf' acc val = pure val `alt` acc

Lifts any foldable of effectful computations into the Choose effect much the same as oneOf

oneOfM : Has (Choose) fs => Foldable f =>
    f (Eff fs a) -> Eff fs a
oneOfM x = foldl alt empty x


Reorder the first two elements of the first argument of a subset

public export
subsetReorderLeft : Subset (x :: g :: xs) ys -> Subset (g :: x :: xs) ys
subsetReorderLeft (e :: (e' :: subset)) = e' :: e :: subset

Add the same element to both arguments of a subset

public export
subsetConsBoth : {0 xs, ys : List a} -> {0 g : a} -> Subset xs ys 
  -> Subset (g :: xs) (g :: ys)
subsetConsBoth {xs = []} {ys = ys} [] = [Z]
subsetConsBoth {xs = (x :: xs)} {ys} (e :: subset) = 
  let rest = S e :: subsetConsBoth subset {g}
  in subsetReorderLeft rest

A list is always a subset of itself

public export
subsetReflexive : {xs : List a} -> Subset xs xs
subsetReflexive {xs = []} = []
subsetReflexive {xs = (x :: xs)} = 
  let rest = subsetReflexive {xs} 
  in subsetConsBoth rest

If xs is a subset of ys, then it is also a subset of ys + g

public export
subsetConsRight : {0 g: _} -> {0 xs, ys: _} -> Subset xs ys -> Subset xs (g :: ys)
subsetConsRight {xs = []} {ys = ys} [] = []
subsetConsRight {xs = (x :: xs)} {ys} (e :: subset) = 
  S e :: subsetConsRight subset {g}

xs is always a subset of xs + g

public export
trivialSubset : {0 g : a} -> {xs : List a} -> Subset xs (g :: xs)
trivialSubset = subsetConsRight subsetReflexive

fs - f is always a subset of f

public export
minusLemma : {fs : List a} -> {0 x : a} -> {auto prf : Has x fs} 
  -> Subset (fs - x) fs
minusLemma {fs = (_ :: vs)} {prf = Z} = trivialSubset
minusLemma {fs = (w :: vs)} {prf = (S y)} = 
  let rest = minusLemma {fs = vs} {prf = y}
  in subsetConsBoth rest

Effects utilities

Contains utility functions extending the functionality of the eff package.

module Util.Eff

import Control.Eff
import Data.Subset
import Text.ANSI

import System
import System.File

%default total


Log Levels

Basic enumeration describing log levels, we define some (hidden) utility functions for working with these.

The Other n log level is restricted to n greater than 4, to prevent ambiguity between custom log levels and predefined log levels.

public export
data Level : Type where
  Err : Level
  Warn : Level
  Info : Level
  Debug : Level
  Trace : Level
  Other : (n : Nat) -> {auto _ : n `GT` 4} -> Level

Convert a Level into a colorized tag

levelToTag : Level -> String
levelToTag Err =
    show . bolden . show . colored BrightRed $ "[Error]"
levelToTag Warn =
    show . bolden . show . colored BrightYellow $ "[Warning]"
levelToTag Info =
    show . bolden . show . colored Green $ "[Info]"
levelToTag Debug =
    show . bolden . show . colored Magenta $ "[Debug]"
levelToTag Trace =
    show . bolden . show . colored Cyan $ "[Trace]"
levelToTag (Other k) =
    show . bolden . show . colored BrightWhite $ "[\{show k}]"

Logger effect

This is a basic data structure that captures a lazy log message (so we don't have to pay any of the costs associated with generating the log message when it is filtered)

public export
data Logger : Type -> Type where
  Log : (level : Level) -> (msg : Lazy String) -> Logger ()

We'll also provide some basic accessors, and an ignore function useful for writing handlers.

(.level) : Logger t -> Level
(.level) (Log level msg) = level

(.msg) : Logger t -> Lazy String
(.msg) (Log level msg) = msg

ignore : Logger t -> t
ignore (Log level msg) = ()


Because we know that we will only be using logger in an IO context, we aren't currently going to provide a runLogger or the like, instead we'll define a function, suitable for use as a runEff handler, that filters log messages and prints them to stderr over IO.

In the event a log message is filtered out, it's inner message is never inspected, avoiding evaluation.

handleLoggerIO : 
  (max_level : Level) -> Logger t -> IO t
handleLoggerIO max_level x = 
  if x.level <= max_level 
    then do
      _ <- fPutStrLn stderr "\{levelToTag x.level}: \{x.msg}"
      pure . ignore $ x
    else pure . ignore $ x

Provide a family of effectful actions that emit log messages at the different log levels.

error : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
error x = send $ Log Err x

warn : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
warn x = send $ Log Warn x

info : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
info x = send $ Log Info x

debug : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
debug x = send $ Log Debug x

trace : Has Logger fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
trace x = send $ Log Trace x

logAt : Has Logger fs => Level -> Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
logAt level x = send $ Log level x


Lifts any foldable data structure into the Choose effect, enabling the style of nondeterministic programming from the list monad

oneOf : Has (Choose) fs => Foldable f =>
    f a -> Eff fs a
oneOf x = foldl oneOf' empty x
  oneOf' : Eff fs a -> a -> Eff fs a
  oneOf' acc val = pure val `alt` acc

Lifts any foldable of effectful computations into the Choose effect much the same as oneOf

oneOfM : Has (Choose) fs => Foldable f =>
    f (Eff fs a) -> Eff fs a
oneOfM x = foldl alt empty x


Reorder the first two elements of the first argument of a subset

public export
subsetReorderLeft : Subset (x :: g :: xs) ys -> Subset (g :: x :: xs) ys
subsetReorderLeft (e :: (e' :: subset)) = e' :: e :: subset

Add the same element to both arguments of a subset

public export
subsetConsBoth : {0 xs, ys : List a} -> {0 g : a} -> Subset xs ys 
  -> Subset (g :: xs) (g :: ys)
subsetConsBoth {xs = []} {ys = ys} [] = [Z]
subsetConsBoth {xs = (x :: xs)} {ys} (e :: subset) = 
  let rest = S e :: subsetConsBoth subset {g}
  in subsetReorderLeft rest

A list is always a subset of itself

public export
subsetReflexive : {xs : List a} -> Subset xs xs
subsetReflexive {xs = []} = []
subsetReflexive {xs = (x :: xs)} = 
  let rest = subsetReflexive {xs} 
  in subsetConsBoth rest

If xs is a subset of ys, then it is also a subset of ys + g

public export
subsetConsRight : {0 g: _} -> {0 xs, ys: _} -> Subset xs ys -> Subset xs (g :: ys)
subsetConsRight {xs = []} {ys = ys} [] = []
subsetConsRight {xs = (x :: xs)} {ys} (e :: subset) = 
  S e :: subsetConsRight subset {g}

xs is always a subset of xs + g

public export
trivialSubset : {0 g : a} -> {xs : List a} -> Subset xs (g :: xs)
trivialSubset = subsetConsRight subsetReflexive

fs - f is always a subset of f

public export
minusLemma : {fs : List a} -> {0 x : a} -> {auto prf : Has x fs} 
  -> Subset (fs - x) fs
minusLemma {fs = (_ :: vs)} {prf = Z} = trivialSubset
minusLemma {fs = (w :: vs)} {prf = (S y)} = 
  let rest = minusLemma {fs = vs} {prf = y}
  in subsetConsBoth rest

Array Wrappers

module Array

import Data.IOArray
import Data.Vect
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.Fin
import Data.Iterable
import Decidable.Equality
import Control.WellFounded

%default total
%hide Prelude.Types.elem

Provide some wrappers over the standard library IO arrays, using plenty of unsafe operations along the way.

Internal Utility Functions

Unsafely unwrap a Maybe, making the assumption that it is a Just.

unwrapUnsafe : Maybe a -> a
unwrapUnsafe x = assert_total $ unwrapUnsafe' x
    unwrapUnsafe' : Maybe a -> a
    unwrapUnsafe' (Just x) = x

Insert an element into an IOArray at the index described by the given Fin.

insertPair : IOArray e -> (e, Fin n) -> IO ()
insertPair arr (elem, idx) = do
  let idx : Int = cast . finToInteger $ idx
  _ <- writeArray arr idx elem
  pure ()

Tail safe monadic recursion with lazy lists

Generate all of the fins of a given size, lazily.

allFins : (n : Nat) -> LazyList (Fin n)
allFins 0 = []
allFins (S k) = FZ :: map FS (allFins k)

LazyLists have a size

Sized (LazyList e) where
  size [] = 0
  size (x :: xs) = S (size xs)

Convert a Vect to a LazyList

vectLazy : Vect n e -> LazyList e
vectLazy [] = []
vectLazy (x :: xs) = x :: vectLazy xs

LazyLists are iterable

refl : {k : Nat} -> LTE k k
refl = reflexive {x = k}

Iterable (LazyList a) a where
  iterM accum done ini seed =
    trSized seed ini $
      \case Nil    => pure . Done . done
            h :: t => map (Cont t refl) . accum h

Immutable arrays

Immutable arrays created from vectors that provide constant time indexing and slicing operations.

As an invariant of the the type, every "slot" in the inner IOArray must always be a Just, unsafe operations are performed that depend on that.

  ||| An immutable array of length `n`
  data IArray : Nat -> Type -> Type where
    MkIArray : (size : Nat) -> (offset : Int) -> (inner : IOArray e) 
      -> IArray size e
  %name IArray xs, ys, zs

Basic Interface

Indexing operation

  index : (idx : Fin n) -> IArray n e -> e
  index idx (MkIArray size offset inner) = unsafePerformIO index' 
      index' : IO e
      index' = do
        -- Convert the index to an Int for use in the IO array
        let idx : Int = cast . finToInteger $ idx
        map unwrapUnsafe $ readArray inner (idx + offset) 

Getting the length of an IArray, as well as a proof of correctness for the length function

  length : IArray n e -> Nat
  length (MkIArray n _ inner) = n
  lengthCorrect : (array : IArray n e) -> length array = n
  lengthCorrect (MkIArray n _ inner) = Refl

Basic conversion operations

  fromVect : {n : Nat} -> Vect n e -> IArray n e
  fromVect xs = unsafePerformIO fromVect'
      fromVect' : IO $ IArray n e
      fromVect' = do
        let pairs = zip (vectLazy xs) (allFins n)
        array <- newArray (cast n)
        forM_ (insertPair array) pairs
        pure $ MkIArray n 0 array
  replicate : (n : Nat) -> e -> IArray n e
  replicate n x = unsafePerformIO replicate'
      insertR : IOArray e -> Fin n -> IO ()
      insertR arr idx = do
        let idx : Int = cast . finToInteger $ idx
        _ <- writeArray arr idx x
        pure ()
      replicate' : IO $ IArray n e
      replicate' = do
        array <- newArray (cast n)
        forM_ (insertR array) (Array.allFins n)
        pure $ MkIArray n 0 array

  toVect : IArray n e -> Vect n e
  toVect xs = 
    let xs' : IArray (length xs) e = rewrite lengthCorrect xs in xs
        values : Vect _ e = map (flip index $ xs') (allFins _)
    in rewrite sym $ lengthCorrect xs in values
  arrayToList : IArray n e -> List e
  arrayToList xs = 
    let xs' : IArray (length xs) e = rewrite lengthCorrect xs in xs
    in map (flip index $ xs') (allFins (length xs))

Unsafely create an array from a lazy list of values, for internal use only. Will cause crashes if the provided LazyList isn't the right length.

  unsafeFromLazy : {n : Nat} -> LazyList e -> IO (IArray n e)
  unsafeFromLazy xs = do
    array <- newArray (cast n)
    let pairs = zip xs (allFins n)
    forM_ (insertPair array) pairs
    pure $ MkIArray _ 0 array

Typical drop and take operations, implemented in constant time

  -- TODO: Minimize whatever compiler bug is requiring us to use this
  newOffset : Nat -> Int -> Int
  newOffset k i = cast k + i

  drop : (n : Nat) -> IArray (n + m) e -> IArray m e
  drop n xs@(MkIArray _ offset inner) = 
    believe_me $ MkIArray (length xs `minus` n) (newOffset n offset) inner

  drop' : (n : Nat) -> IArray l e -> IArray (minus l n) e
  drop' n (MkIArray l offset inner) = 
    if n >= l
      then believe_me $ fromVect [] {e}
      else MkIArray (l `minus` n) (newOffset n offset) inner
  take : (n : Nat) -> IArray (n + m) e -> IArray n e
  take n (MkIArray _ offset inner) = MkIArray n offset inner

A view for pattern matching on IArrays as if they were lists

  namespace View
    public export
    data AsList : IArray n e -> Type where
      Nil : {0 tail : IArray 0 e} -> AsList tail
      (::) : {0 xs : IArray (S n) e} -> {rest : IArray n e} 
        -> (head : e) -> (tail : Lazy (AsList rest)) -> AsList xs
    public export 
    asList : (xs : IArray n e) -> AsList xs
    asList (MkIArray 0 offset inner) = []
    asList xs@(MkIArray (S k) offset inner) = 
      let head = 0 `index` xs
          rest = drop 1 xs
      in head :: (asList rest)

Convert to a LazyList using our view

  toLazy : IArray n e -> LazyList e
  toLazy xs with (asList xs)
    toLazy xs | [] = []
    toLazy xs | (head :: tail) = 
      head :: toLazy _ | tail

Typical filtering and finding interface

  -- Don't know if this one is really worth optimizing
  filter : (e -> Bool) -> IArray n e -> (p : Nat ** IArray p e)
  filter f xs = 
    let (_ ** ps= filter f (toVect xs)
    in (_ ** fromVect ps)
  find : (e -> Bool) -> IArray n e -> Maybe e
  find f xs with (asList xs)
    find f xs | [] = Nothing
    find f xs | (head :: tail) = 
      if f head
        then Just head
        else find f _ | tail
  findIndex : (e -> Bool) -> IArray n e -> Maybe (Fin n)
  findIndex f xs = 
    let indexed = zip (toLazy xs) (allFins (length xs))
    in findIndex' f indexed
      findIndex' : (e -> Bool) -> LazyList (e, Fin (length xs)) -> Maybe (Fin n)
      findIndex' f [] = Nothing
      findIndex' f ((e, idx) :: ys) = 
        if f e
          then rewrite sym $ lengthCorrect xs in Just idx
          else findIndex' f ys
  findIndices : (e -> Bool) -> IArray n e -> List (Fin n)
  findIndices f xs@(MkIArray n _ _) = 
    let pairs = zip (toLazy xs) (allFins n)
    in toList . map snd . filter (f . fst) $ pairs

Interface Implementations

Provide a Foldable implementation by performing indexing within the context of unsafePerformIO.

  Foldable (IArray n) where
    foldl f acc_val (MkIArray n offset inner) = unsafePerformIO $ foldl'
        liftF : Fin n -> acc -> IO acc
        liftF idx acc_val = do
          let idx : Int = cast . finToInteger $ idx
          val <- map unwrapUnsafe $ readArray inner (idx + offset)
          pure $ f acc_val val
        foldl' : IO acc
        foldl' = iterM liftF id acc_val (Array.allFins n)
    foldr f acc_val (MkIArray n offset inner) = unsafePerformIO $ foldr'
        liftF : Fin n -> acc -> IO acc
        liftF idx acc_val = do
          let idx : Int = cast . finToInteger $ idx
          val <- map unwrapUnsafe $ readArray inner (idx + offset)
          pure $ f val acc_val
        foldr' : IO acc
        -- TODO: Make a lazy reverse allFins function so we aren't instantiating
        -- the full index list here
        foldr' = iterM liftF id acc_val (reverse $ List.allFins n)
    toList = arrayToList

Provide implementations of Eq, Ord, and DecEq in terms of our AsList view. The DecEq implementation requires use of unsafe believe_me, as arrays are primitive types the compiler has no insight into the structure of.

  Eq e => Eq (IArray n e) where
    xs == ys = (toLazy xs) == (toLazy ys)
  Ord e => Ord (IArray n e) where
    compare xs ys = compare (toLazy xs) (toLazy ys)
  -- TODO : Optimize IArray DecEq
  decEq' : DecEq e => {m : Nat} -> (xs, ys : IArray m e) -> Dec (xs = ys)
  decEq' xs ys with (asList xs, asList ys)
    decEq' xs ys | ([], []) = believe_me $ the (xs = xs) Refl
    decEq' xs ys | ((h_x :: t_x), (h_y :: t_y)) = 
      case decEq h_x h_y of
        Yes prf => 
          believe_me $ decEq' _ _ | (t_x, t_y)
        No contra => believe_me contra

  DecEq e => DecEq (IArray n e) where
    decEq xs@(MkIArray n _ _) ys = decEq' xs ys

Provide Functor, Applicative, Monad, and Traverseable implementations by building a new array in an IO context

  map' : (f : a -> b) -> IArray n a -> IO (IArray n b)
  map' f xs@(MkIArray n _ _) = do
    array <- newArray (cast n)
    let pairs = zip (map f . toLazy $ xs) (Array.allFins n)
    forM_ (insertPair array) pairs
    pure $ MkIArray n 0 array

  Functor (IArray k) where
    map f xs = unsafePerformIO $ map' f xs
  apply' : {n : Nat} -> IArray n (a -> b) -> IArray n a -> IO (IArray n b)
  apply' fs xs = do
    array <- newArray (cast n)
    let applied = map (\(f, x) => f x) $ zip (toLazy fs) (toLazy xs)
    let pairs = zip applied (allFins n)
    forM_ (insertPair array) pairs
    pure $ MkIArray n 0 array
  -- Applicative requires the length of the array to be available at runtime at
  -- the type level for `replicate`
  {k : Nat} -> Applicative (IArray k) where
    pure = replicate _
    fs <*> xs = unsafePerformIO $ apply' fs xs

  -- Like `Vect`'s `join`, this takes the diagonal elements
  {k : Nat} -> Monad (IArray k) where 
    join xs = 
      let lazys = join' . map toLazy $ toLazy xs
      in assert_total $ unsafePerformIO $ unsafeFromLazy lazys
        join' : LazyList (LazyList a) -> LazyList a
        join' [] = []
        join' ([] :: y) = []
        join' ((x :: _) :: xs) = 
          x :: join' (map (drop 1) xs)
    -- join xs = fromVect . join . map toVect . toVect $ xs
  -- TODO: Maybe take another pass at optimizing this? 
  Traversable (IArray k) where 
    traverse fun xs@(MkIArray k _ _) = 
      map (unsafePerformIO . unsafeFromLazy . fromList) 
      . Prelude.traverse fun 
      . toList 
      $ xs

Provide a Show implementation in terms of our AsList view through the asLazy wrapper.

  Show e => Show (IArray n e) where
    show xs = 
      let elements = map show $ toLazy xs
      in case elements of
        [] => "[]"
        (x :: xs) => "[\{join' xs x}]"
        join' : LazyList String -> (acc : String) -> String
        join' [] acc = acc
        join' (x :: []) acc = "\{acc}, \{x}"
        join' (x :: (y :: xs)) acc = 
          join' (y :: xs) "\{acc}, \{x}"

Provide a Zippable implementation by roundtripping through a Vect. This isn't the most efficient, but this provides a workable starter implementation.

  Zippable (IArray k) where 
    zipWith f xs@(MkIArray k _ _) ys = 
      unsafePerformIO . unsafeFromLazy $ zipWith f (toLazy xs) (toLazy ys)
    zipWith3 f xs@(MkIArray k _ _) ys zs = 
      unsafePerformIO . unsafeFromLazy $ zipWith3 f (toLazy xs) (toLazy ys) (toLazy zs)
    unzipWith f xs@(MkIArray k _ _) = 
      let (xs, ys) = unzipWith f (toLazy xs)
      in (unsafePerformIO . unsafeFromLazy $ xs, 
          unsafePerformIO . unsafeFromLazy $ ys)
    unzipWith3 f xs@(MkIArray k _ _) = 
      let (xs, ys, zs) = unzipWith3 f (toLazy xs)
      in (unsafePerformIO . unsafeFromLazy $ xs, 
          unsafePerformIO . unsafeFromLazy $ ys, 
          unsafePerformIO . unsafeFromLazy $ zs)

Provide Semigroup and Monoid implementations, matching those for Vect, in terms of our other interfaces.

  Semigroup a => Semigroup (IArray k a) where 
    xs <+> ys = zipWith (<+>) xs ys
  -- Monoid requires the length argument to be available at runtime for 
  -- `replicate` to work
  {k : Nat} -> Monoid a => Monoid (IArray k a) where 
    neutral = replicate _ neutral

Unit tests


-- @@test IArray RoundTrip
iRoundTrip : IO Bool
iRoundTrip = do
  let test_vect : Vect _ Nat = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  putStrLn "test_vect: \{show test_vect}"
  let xs = fromVect test_vect
  putStrLn "xs: \{show xs}"
  let round_tripped = toVect xs 
  putStrLn "round_tripped: \{show round_tripped}"
  pure $ test_vect == round_tripped

-- @@test IArray drop/take
iDropTake : IO Bool
iDropTake = do
  let test = fromVect [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  putStrLn "test: \{show test}"
  let dropped = drop 2 test
  putStrLn "dropped: \{show dropped}"
  let taked = take 3 test
  putStrLn "taked: \{show taked}"
  pure $ (toVect dropped) == [3, 4, 5] && (toVect taked) == [1, 2, 3]

-- @@test IArray toLazy
iLazy : IO Bool
iLazy = do
  let test_vect : Vect _ Nat = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  let test_array = fromVect test_vect
  putStrLn "test_array: \{show test_array}"
  let output_lazy = toLazy test_array
  putStrLn "output_lazy: \{show output_lazy}"
  pure $ vectLazy test_vect == output_lazy

-- @@test IArray foldl/foldr
iFold : IO Bool
iFold = do
  let test = fromVect [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  putStrLn "test: \{show test}"
  let foldl_test = foldl (flip (::)) [] test
  putStrLn "foldl_test: \{show foldl_test}"
  let foldr_test = foldr (::) [] test
  putStrLn "foldr_test: \{show foldr_test}"
  pure $ foldl_test == [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] && foldr_test == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

-- @@test IArray functor
iFunctor : IO Bool
iFunctor = do
  let test = fromVect [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  putStrLn "test: \{show test}"
  let output = map (+ 1) test
  putStrLn "output: \{show output}"
  pure $ toVect output == [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
-- @@test IArray show
iShow : IO Bool
iShow = do
  let test = fromVect [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  putStrLn "test: \{show test}"
  let empty : IArray _ Nat = fromVect []
  putStrLn "empty: \{show empty}"
  let singleton = fromVect [1]
  putStrLn "singleton: \{show singleton}"
  pure $ 
    show test == "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"  
    && show empty == "[]"  
    && show singleton == "[1]"  

-- @@test IArray monad
iMonad : IO Bool
iMonad = do
  let test_vect : Vect 3 (Vect 3 Nat) = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8 ,9]]
  let test_array = fromVect $ map fromVect test_vect
  let vect_out = join test_vect
  let array_out = join test_array
  putStrLn "vect: \{show vect_out} array: \{show array_out}"
  pure $ toVect array_out == vect_out

Parsing Utilties

module Parser

import public Parser.Interface as Parser
import public Parser.ParserState as Parser

The interface of a Parser

module Parser.Interface
import public Data.List1

import public Parser.ParserState

import public Control.Eff

export infixr 4 >|
export infixr 5 >&

Parser Errors

Combine the parser state at time of error with an error message.

public export
data ParseError : Type where
  -- TODO: Rename this constructor
  MkParseError : (state : ParserInternal Id) -> (message : String) -> ParseError
  BeforeParse : (message : String) -> ParseError
  NestedErrors : (state : ParserInternal Id) -> (message : String)
    -> (rest : List ParseError) -> ParseError

Type Alias

public export
Parser : Type -> Type
Parser a = Eff [ParserState, Except ParseError] a

Error Generation

Provide a few effectful actions to generate an error from an error message, and either return it or throw it.

parseError : Has ParserState fs => (message : String) -> Eff fs ParseError
parseError message = do
  state <- save
  pure $ MkParseError state message

throwParseError : Has ParserState fs => Has (Except ParseError) fs =>
  (message : String) -> Eff fs a
throwParseError message = do
  err <- parseError message
  throw err

guardMaybe : Has ParserState fs => Has (Except ParseError) fs =>
  (message : String) -> Eff fs (Maybe a) -> Eff fs a
guardMaybe message x = do
  Just x <- x
    | _ => throwParseError message
  pure x

replaceError : (message : String) -> Parser (a -> Parser b)
replaceError message = do
  state <- save
  pure (\_ => throw $ MkParseError state message)

Running a parser

We will use the phrasing "rundown" to refer to running all the effects in the parser effect stack except ParserState, which is left in the effect stack to facilitate handling in the context of another monad or effect stack, since it benefits from mutability.

Rundown a parser, accepting the first returning parse, which may be failing or succeding, and automatically generating a "no valid parses" message in the event no paths in the Choice effect produce a returning parse.

rundownFirst : (f : Parser a) -> Eff [ParserState] (Either ParseError a)
rundownFirst f = 
  runExcept f

Provide wrappers for rundownFirst for evaluating it in various contexts.

runFirstIO : HasIO io => MonadRec io =>
  (f : Parser a) -> String -> io (Either ParseError a)
runFirstIO f str = do
  Just state <- newInternalIO str
    | _ => pure . Left $ BeforeParse "Empty input"
  runEff (rundownFirst f) [handleParserStateIO state]

runFirstIODebug : (f : Parser a) -> String -> IO (Either ParseError a)
runFirstIODebug f str = do
  Just state <- newInternalIO str
    | _ => pure . Left $ BeforeParse "Empty input"
  runEff (rundownFirst f) [handleParserStateIODebug state]

runFirst : (f : Parser a) -> String -> Eff fs (Either ParseError a)
runFirst f str = do
  Just state <- pure $ newInternal str
    | _ => pure . Left $ BeforeParse "Empty input"
  (result, _) <- lift . runParserState state . rundownFirst $ f
  pure result

runFirst' : (f : Parser a) -> String -> Either ParseError a
runFirst' f str = extract $ runFirst f str {fs = []}

Utility functionality

Parser combinators

Try to run a computation in the context of the Parser effect stack, if it fails (via Except), reset the state and resort to the supplied callback

Also supply a version specialized to ignore the error value, returning Just a if the parse succeeds, and Nothing if it fails.

try : (f : Parser a) -> (err : ParseError -> Parser a) -> Parser a
try f err = do
  starting_state <- save
  result <- lift . runExcept $ f
  case result of
    Left error => do
      load starting_state
      err error 
    Right result => pure result

tryMaybe : (f : Parser a) -> Parser (Maybe a)
tryMaybe f = try (map Just f) (\_ => pure Nothing)
tryEither : (f : Parser a) -> Parser (Either ParseError a)
tryEither f = try (map Right f) (pure . Left)

Attempt to parse one of the given input parsers, in the provided order, invoking the provided error action on failure.

The state will not be modified when an input parser fails

oneOfE : (err : String) -> List (Parser a) -> Parser a
oneOfE err xs = do
  start <- save
  oneOfE' err start [] xs
    oneOfE' : (err : String) -> (start : ParserInternal Id) 
      -> (errs : List ParseError) -> List (Parser a) -> Parser a
    oneOfE' err start errs [] = do
      throw $ NestedErrors start err (reverse errs) 
    oneOfE' err start errs (x :: xs) = do
      x <- tryEither x
      case x of
        Right val => pure val
        Left error => oneOfE' err start (error :: errs) xs

Attempt to parse 0+ of an item

many : (f : Parser a) -> Parser (List a)
many f = do
  Just next <- tryMaybe f
    | _ => pure []
  map (next ::) $ many f

Attempt to parse 1+ of an item, invoking the supplied error action on failure

atLeastOne : (err : ParseError -> Parser (List1 a)) -> (f : Parser a)
  -> Parser (List1 a)
atLeastOne err f = do
  Right next <- tryEither f
    | Left e => err e
  map (next :::) $ many f

Lift a parser producing a List or List1 of Char into a parser producing a String

-- TODO: Rename these
liftString : Parser (List Char) -> Parser String
liftString x = do
  xs <- x
  pure $ pack xs

liftString' : Parser (List1 Char) -> Parser String
liftString' x = liftString $ map forget x

Attempt to parse a specified character

charExact : Char -> Parser Char
charExact c = do
  result <- charExact' c
  case result of
    GotChar char => pure char
    GotError err => throwParseError "Got \{show err} Expected \{show c}"
    EndOfInput => throwParseError "End of input"

Attempt to parse one of a list of chars

theseChars : List Char -> Parser Char
theseChars cs = do
  pnote "Parsing one of: \{show cs}"
  result <- charPredicate (\x => any (== x) cs)
  case result of
    GotChar char => pure char
    GotError err => throwParseError "Got \{show err} Expected one of \{show cs}"
    EndOfInput => throwParseError "End of input"

Attempt to parse an exact string

exactString : String -> Parser String
exactString str with (asList str)
  exactString "" | [] = do
    pnote "Parsing the empty string"
    pure ""
  exactString input@(strCons c str) | (c :: x) = do
    pnote "Parsing exact string \{show input}"
    GotChar next <- charPredicate (== c)
      | GotError err => throwParseError "Got \{show err} expected \{show c}"
      | EndOfInput => throwParseError "End of input"
    rest <- exactString str | x
    pure input

Wrap a parser in delimiter characters, discarding the value of the delimiters

delimited : (before, after : Char) -> Parser a -> Parser a
delimited before after x = do
  pnote "Parsing delimited by \{show before} \{show after}"
  starting_state <- save
  _ <- charExact before
  Right val <- tryEither x
    | Left err => do
      load starting_state
      throw err
  Just _ <- tryMaybe $ charExact after
    | _ => do
      load starting_state
      throw $ MkParseError starting_state "Unmatched delimiter \{show before}"
  pure val

Consume any number of characters of the provided character class and discard the result. Also a version for doing so on both sides of a provided parser

nom : Parser Char -> Parser ()
nom x = do
  pnote "Nomming"
  _ <- many x
  pure ()

surround : (around : Parser Char) -> (item : Parser a) -> Parser a
surround around item = do
  pnote "Surrounding"
  nom around
  val <- item
  nom around
  pure val

Composition of boolean functions

||| Return true if both of the predicates evaluate to true
public export
(>&) : (a : e -> Bool) -> (b : e -> Bool) -> (e -> Bool)
(>&) a b x = a x && b x 

||| Return true if either of the predicates evaulates to true
public export
(>|) : (a : e -> Bool) -> (b : e -> Bool) -> (e -> Bool)
(>|) a b x = a x || b x 

Parser State

An effectful description of the text a parser consumes

module Parser.ParserState

import public Data.String
import public Data.DPair
import public Data.Refined
import public Data.Refined.Int64
import public Data.SortedMap
import public Data.IORef

import Data.Primitives.Interpolation
import System.File

import public Control.Eff

Barbie Basics

Barbies are types that can "change their clothes", in Idris, this manifests as a type indexed by a type-level function that affects the types of the fields.

Since we know our usage here is going to be quite simple, and not even really making use of dependently typed fun, we are going to implement all the barbie functionality we need by hand, but if you feel like barbies might be a good fit for your problem, or you simply want to learn more, please check out a library like barbies1

public export
Id : Type -> Type
Id x = x

Internal State of a Parser

Type alias for our refined Int64s

public export
0 IsIndex : (length : Int64) -> Int64 -> Type
IsIndex length = From 0 && LessThan length 

public export
record Index (length : Int64) where
  constructor MkIndex
  index : Int64
  {auto 0 prf : IsIndex length index}

Stores the location we are currently at in the string, and metadata about it for providing good error messages. Parsing an empty input isn't very interesting, so we exclude inputs of length zero, since that will make other things easier.

||| State representing a parser's position in the text
public export
record ParserInternal (f : Type -> Type) where
  constructor MkInternal
  -- IDEA: Maybe go full barbie and have this be a field, so that we can, say,
  -- read directly from a file instead of from an already loaded string using the
  -- same parser
  ||| The input string
  input : String
  ||| The length of the input string
  length : Int64
  {auto 0 len_prf : length = cast (strLength input)}
  ||| A sorted set containing the positions of the start of each line
  line_starts : SortedMap (Index length) Nat
  ||| The position of the next character to read in the input
  position : f (Index length) 
  ||| True if we have hit the end of input
  end_of_input : f Bool
%name ParserInternal pi, pj, pk

ParserInternal Methods

Construct a ParserInternal from an input string. Will fail if the input is empty, because then we can't index it.

newInternal : (input : String) -> Maybe (ParserInternal Id)
newInternal input = 
  -- Check if we have at least one character in the input
  case refine0 0 {p = IsIndex (cast (strLength input))} of
    Nothing => Nothing
    Just (Element position _) => Just $ 
      MkInternal input 
                 (cast (strLength input)) 
                 (mkStarts' input (MkIndex position)) 
                 (MkIndex position) 
    mkStarts : 
      (str : String) -> (acc : List (Index (cast (strLength str)), Nat))
      -> (idx : Index (cast (strLength str))) -> (count : Nat) -> (next : Bool)
      -> List (Index (cast (strLength str)), Nat)
    mkStarts str acc idx count True = 
      mkStarts str ((idx, count) :: acc) idx (S count) False
    mkStarts str acc idx count False = 
      case refine0 (idx.index + 1) {p = IsIndex (cast (strLength str))} of
        Nothing => acc
        Just (Element next _) => 
          if strIndex str (cast idx.index) == '\n'
            then mkStarts str acc (MkIndex next) count True
            else mkStarts str acc (MkIndex next) count False
    mkStarts' : (str : String) -> (start : Index (cast (strLength str)))
      -> SortedMap (Index (cast (strLength str))) Nat
    mkStarts' str start = 
        pairs = assert_total $ 
          mkStarts str [] start 0 True
      in fromList pairs

Get the current line and column number

||| Returns the current position of the parser cursor in, zero indexed, (line, 
||| column) form
positionPair : (pi : ParserInternal Id) -> (Nat, Nat)
positionPair pi = 
  case lookup pi.position pi.line_starts of
    Just line => (line, 0)
    Nothing => 
      case lookupBetween pi.position pi.line_starts of
        -- There will always be at least one line start, and we would have hit
        -- the previous case if we were at the start of the first one, so if
        -- there isn't a before, we can return a nonsense value safely
        (Nothing, _) => (0, 0)
        (Just (start, linum), after) => 
          -- Our index will always be after the start of the line, for previously
          -- mentioned reasons, so this cast is safe
          let col = cast {to = Nat} $ pi.position.index - start.index
          in (linum, col)

More Barbie Functionality

Provide the barbie analogs of map and traverse for our ParserInternal type, allowing us to change the type the values in a ParserInternal by mapping over those values.

bmap : ({0 a : Type} -> f a -> g a) -> ParserInternal f -> ParserInternal g
-- bmap f = bmap_ (\_ => f)
bmap fun (MkInternal input length line_starts position end_of_input) = 
  let position' = fun position
      end_of_input' = fun end_of_input 
  in MkInternal input length line_starts position' end_of_input'

btraverse : Applicative e => ({0 a : Type} -> f a -> e (g a)) 
  -> ParserInternal f -> e (ParserInternal g)
btraverse fun (MkInternal input length line_starts position end_of_input) = 
  let pures = (MkInternal input length line_starts)
  in [| pures (fun position) (fun end_of_input)|]

Three way result

||| Three way result returned from attempting to parse a single char
public export
data ParseCharResult : Type where
  GotChar : (char : Char) -> ParseCharResult
  GotError : (err : Char) -> ParseCharResult
  EndOfInput : ParseCharResult

The Effect Type

data ParserState : Type -> Type where
  Save : ParserState (ParserInternal Id)
  Load : (ParserInternal Id) -> ParserState ()
  -- TODO: Maybe add a ParseString that parses a string of characters as a 
  -- string using efficent slicing?
  ParseChar : (predicate : Char -> Bool) -> ParserState ParseCharResult
  ParseExactChar : (char : Char) -> ParserState ParseCharResult
  ParseEoF : ParserState Bool
  Note : Lazy String -> ParserState ()


||| Return the current state, for potential later reloading
save : Has ParserState fs => Eff fs (ParserInternal Id)
save = send Save

||| Reset to the provided state
load : Has ParserState fs => ParserInternal Id -> Eff fs ()
load pi = send $ Load pi

||| Attempt to parse a char, checking to see if it complies with the supplied 
||| predicate, updates the state if parsing succeeds, does not alter it in an 
||| error condition.
charPredicate : Has ParserState fs => (predicate : Char -> Bool)
  -> Eff fs ParseCharResult
charPredicate predicate = send $ ParseChar predicate 

||| Parse a char by exact value
charExact' : Has ParserState fs => (chr : Char) -> Eff fs ParseCharResult
charExact' chr = send $ ParseExactChar chr

||| "Parse" the end of input, returning `True` if the parser state is currently
||| at the end of the input
parseEoF : Has ParserState fs => Eff fs Bool
parseEoF = send ParseEoF

||| Make a note to be output when running with a debug handler
pnote : Has ParserState fs => Lazy String -> Eff fs ()
pnote x = send $ Note x

Handling a ParserState

IO Context

handleParserStateIO : HasIO io => 
  IORef (ParserInternal IORef) -> ParserState t -> io t
handleParserStateIO pi Save = do
  pi <- readIORef pi
  btraverse readIORef pi
handleParserStateIO pi (Load pj) = do
  pj <- btraverse newIORef pj
  writeIORef pi pj
handleParserStateIO pi (ParseChar predicate) = do
  pi <- readIORef pi
  False <- readIORef pi.end_of_input
    | _ => pure EndOfInput
  position <- readIORef pi.position
  let char = assert_total $ strIndex pi.input (cast position.index)
  True <- pure $ predicate char
    | _ => pure $ GotError char
  -- Our refinement type on the position forces us to check that the length is
  -- in bounds after incrementing it, if its out of bounds, set the end_of_input
  -- flag
  case refine0 (position.index + 1) {p = IsIndex pi.length} of
    Nothing => do
      writeIORef pi.end_of_input True
      pure $ GotChar char
    Just (Element next _) => do
      writeIORef pi.position $ MkIndex next
      pure $ GotChar char
handleParserStateIO pi (ParseExactChar chr) = do
  -- TODO: do this directly?
  handleParserStateIO pi (ParseChar (== chr))
handleParserStateIO pi ParseEoF = do
  pi <- readIORef pi
  readIORef pi.end_of_input
-- We ignore notes in non-debug mode
handleParserStateIO pi (Note _) = pure ()

newInternalIO : HasIO io => String -> io $ Maybe (IORef (ParserInternal IORef))
newInternalIO str = do
  Just internal <- pure $ newInternal str
    | _ => pure Nothing
  internal <- btraverse newIORef internal
  map Just $ newIORef internal

Wrapper with debugging output

handleParserStateIODebug : HasIO io => 
  IORef (ParserInternal IORef) -> ParserState t -> io t
handleParserStateIODebug x (Note note) = do
  state <- readIORef x
  state <- btraverse readIORef state
  _ <- fPutStrLn stderr "Note \{note} -> \{show state}"
  pure ()
handleParserStateIODebug x y = do
  state <- readIORef x
  state <- btraverse readIORef state
  _ <- fPutStrLn stderr "\{show y} -> \{show state}"
  handleParserStateIO x y

State context

unPS : ParserInternal Id -> ParserState a -> (a, ParserInternal Id)
unPS pi Save = (pi, pi)
unPS pi (Load pj) = ((), pi)
unPS pi (ParseChar predicate) = 
  if pi.end_of_input
    then (EndOfInput, pi)
    else let
      char = assert_total $ strIndex pi.input (cast pi.position.index)
    in if predicate char
      then case refine0 (pi.position.index + 1) {p = IsIndex pi.length} of
        Nothing => 
          (GotChar char, {end_of_input := True} pi)
        Just (Element next _) => 
          (GotChar char, {position := MkIndex next} pi)
      else (GotError char, pi)
unPS pi (ParseExactChar chr) = unPS pi (ParseChar (== chr))
unPS pi ParseEoF = (pi.end_of_input, pi)
unPS pi (Note _) = ((), pi)

runParserState : Has ParserState fs => 
  (s : ParserInternal Id) -> Eff fs t 
  -> Eff (fs - ParserState) (t, ParserInternal Id)
runParserState s = 
  handleRelayS s (\x, y => pure (y, x)) $ \s2,ps,f =>
    let (a, st) = unPS s2 ps 
    in f st a


Numerical Parsers

module Parser.Numbers
import public Parser

import Data.Vect
import Control.Eff

Base Abstraction

public export
record Base where
  constructor MkBase
  base : Nat
  digits : Vect base Char
%name Base b

hasDigit : Base -> Char -> Bool
hasDigit (MkBase base digits) c = any (== c) digits

digitValue : Base -> Char -> Maybe Nat
digitValue (MkBase base digits) c = digitValue' digits 0
  digitValue' : Vect n Char -> (idx : Nat) -> Maybe Nat
  digitValue' [] idx = Nothing
  digitValue' (x :: xs) idx = 
    if x == c
    then Just idx
    else digitValue' xs (S idx)

public export
base10 : Base
base10 = MkBase 10 
  ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] 

public export
hex : Base
hex = MkBase 16 
  ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] 



nat : Base -> Parser Nat
nat b = do
  error <- replaceError "Expected digit"
  (first ::: rest) <- atLeastOne error parseDigit
  pure $ foldl (\acc, e => 10 * acc + e) first rest
    parseDigit : Parser Nat
    parseDigit = do
      GotChar char <- charPredicate (hasDigit b)
        | GotError e => throwParseError "\{show e} is not a digit"
        | EndOfInput => throwParseError "End Of Input"
      case digitValue b char of
        Nothing =>
          throwParseError "Failed to parse as base \{show b.base}: \{show char}"
        Just x => pure x

natBase10 : Parser Nat
natBase10 = nat base10


integer : Base -> Parser Integer
integer b = do
  negative <- map isJust . tryMaybe $ charExact '-'
  value <- map natToInteger $ nat b
  if negative
    then pure $ negate value
    else pure $ value

integerBase10 : Parser Integer
integerBase10 = integer base10


-- TODO: Replicate `parseDouble` logic and make this base-generic
double : Parser Double
double = do
  starting_state <- save
  integer <- integer
  fraction <- tryMaybe fraction
  exponent <- tryMaybe exponent
  let str = case (fraction, exponent) of
       (Nothing, Nothing) => 
       (Nothing, (Just exponent)) => 
       ((Just fraction), Nothing) => 
       ((Just fraction), (Just exponent)) => 
  Just out <- pure $ parseDouble str
    | _ => 
      throw $ MkParseError starting_state "Std failed to parse as double: \{str}"
  pure out
    parseDigit : Parser Char
    parseDigit = do
      GotChar char <- charPredicate (hasDigit base10)
        | GotError e => throwParseError "\{show e} is not a digit"
        | EndOfInput => throwParseError "End Of Input"
      pure char
    integer : Parser String
    integer = do
      sign <- tryMaybe $ charExact '-'
      error <- replaceError "Expected digit"
      digits <- map forget $ atLeastOne error parseDigit
      case sign of
        Nothing => pure $ pack digits
        Just x => pure $ pack (x :: digits)
    fraction : Parser String
    fraction = do
      decimal <- charExact '.'
      error <- replaceError "Expected digit"
      digits <- map forget $ atLeastOne error parseDigit
      pure $ pack digits
    exponent : Parser String
    exponent = do
      e <- theseChars ['e', 'E']
      sign <- theseChars ['+', '-']
      error <- replaceError "Expected digit"
      digits <- map forget $ atLeastOne error parseDigit
      pure . pack $ sign :: digits

Unit tests

Test roundtripping a value through the provided parser

roundtrip : Eq a => Show a => a -> (p : Parser a) -> IO Bool
roundtrip x p = do
  let string = show x
  putStrLn "Roundtripping \{string}"
  Just state <- newInternalIO string
    | _ => do
      putStrLn "Failed to produce parser for \{string}"
      pure False
  Right result <- runEff (rundownFirst p) [handleParserStateIO state] {m = IO}
    | Left err => do
      printLn err
      pure False
  putStrLn "Input: \{string} Output: \{show result}"
  pure $ x == result

Do some roundtrip tests with the nat parser

-- @@test Nat round trip
natRoundTrip : IO Bool
natRoundTrip = pure $ 
  !(roundtrip 0 natBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 1 natBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 100 natBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 1234 natBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 1234567890 natBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 1234567890000 natBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 12345678901234567890 natBase10) 

-- @@test Integer round trip
integerRoundTrip : IO Bool
integerRoundTrip = pure $ 
  !(roundtrip 0 integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 1 integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 100 integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 1234 integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 1234567890 integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 1234567890000 integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip 12345678901234567890 integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip (-1) integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip (-100) integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip (-1234) integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip (-1234567890) integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip (-1234567890000) integerBase10) 
  && !(roundtrip (-12345678901234567890) integerBase10) 

Compare our parsing of a double to the standard library's

compareDouble : String -> IO Bool
compareDouble string = do
  Just state <- newInternalIO string
    | _ => do
      putStrLn "Failed to produce parser for \{string}"
      pure False
  Right result <- 
    runEff (rundownFirst double) [handleParserStateIO state] {m = IO}
    | Left err => do
      printLn err
      pure False
  putStrLn "Input: \{string} Output: \{show result}"
  Just double' <- pure $ parseDouble string
    | _ => do
      printLn "Std failed to parse as double: \{string}"
      pure False
  pure $ result == double'

-- @@test Double Std Comparison 
doubleRoundTrip : IO Bool
doubleRoundTrip = pure $ 
  !(compareDouble "0") 
  && !(compareDouble "1") 
  && !(compareDouble "100") 
  && !(compareDouble "1234") 
  && !(compareDouble "1234567890") 
  && !(compareDouble "1234567890000") 
  && !(compareDouble "12345678901234567890") 
  && !(compareDouble "-1") 
  && !(compareDouble "-100") 
  && !(compareDouble "-1234") 
  && !(compareDouble "-1234567890") 
  && !(compareDouble "-1234567890000") 
  && !(compareDouble "-12345678901234567890") 
  && !(compareDouble "0.0") 
  && !(compareDouble "1.0") 
  && !(compareDouble "-1.0") 
  && !(compareDouble "-0.0") 
  && !(compareDouble "-0.0") 
  && !(compareDouble "0.1234") 
  && !(compareDouble "0.01234") 
  && !(compareDouble "-0.1234") 
  && !(compareDouble "-0.01234") 
  && !(compareDouble "1.234e+5") 
  && !(compareDouble "1.234e-5") 
  && !(compareDouble "-1.234e+5") 
  && !(compareDouble "-1.234e-5") 

JSON Parser

module Parser.JSON

import public Parser
import public Parser.Numbers

import Control.Monad.Eval

import Structures.Dependent.DList

JSON components

Types a JSON value is allowed to have

public export
data JSONType : Type where
  TObject : JSONType
  TArray : JSONType
  TString : JSONType
  TNumber : JSONType
  TBool : JSONType
  TNull : JSONType
%runElab derive "JSONType" [Generic, Meta, Eq, Ord, Show, DecEq]
%name JSONType type, type2, type3

A JSON value indexed by its type

public export
data JSONValue : JSONType -> Type where
  VObject : {types : List JSONType} 
    -> DList JSONType (\t => (String, JSONValue t)) types -> JSONValue TObject
  VArray : {types : List JSONType}
    -> DList JSONType JSONValue types -> JSONValue TArray
  VString : (s : String) -> JSONValue TString
  VNumber : (d : Double) -> JSONValue TNumber
  VBool : (b : Bool) -> JSONValue TBool
  VNull : JSONValue TNull
%name JSONValue value, value2, value3

JSON Functions

foldl Analog for consuming a JSON structure by values. Ignores the keys in objects.

dFoldL : {t : JSONType} 
  -> (acc -> (type : JSONType) -> (val : JSONValue type) -> acc) 
  -> acc -> JSONValue t -> acc
dFoldL f acc' (VObject xs) = 
  let recur : acc -> (v : JSONType) -> (String, JSONValue v) -> acc
      recur acc' v (key, value) = dFoldL f acc' value
  in DList.dFoldL recur acc' xs
dFoldL f acc' (VArray xs) = 
  let recur : acc -> (v : JSONType) -> JSONValue v -> acc
      recur acc' v value = dFoldL f acc' value
  in DList.dFoldL recur acc' xs
dFoldL f acc (VString s) = f acc _ (VString s)
dFoldL f acc (VNumber d) = f acc _ (VNumber d)
dFoldL f acc (VBool b) = f acc _ (VBool b)
dFoldL f acc VNull = f acc _ VNull

Look up a property in an object

getProperty : (prop : String) -> (object : JSONValue TObject)
  -> Maybe (type : JSONType ** JSONValue type)
getProperty prop (VObject xs) = 
  case dFind (\_, (key, _) => key == prop) xs of
    Nothing => Nothing
    Just (type ** (_, val)=> Just (type ** val)

Return the values from an object.

getValues : (object : JSONValue TObject) 
  -> (types : List JSONType ** DList JSONType JSONValue types)
getValues (VObject xs) = 
  dMap' (\t, (k, v) => (t ** v)) xs

Recursively apply a filter to a JSON structure.

dFilter : (f : (type : JSONType) -> (val : JSONValue type) -> Bool) 
  -> {t : JSONType} -> JSONValue t -> Maybe (JSONValue t)
dFilter f value = eval $ dFilter' f value
    dFilter' : (f : (type : JSONType) -> (val : JSONValue type) -> Bool) 
      -> {t : JSONType} -> JSONValue t -> Eval $ Maybe (JSONValue t)
    dFilter' f (VObject xs) = do
      True <- pure $ f _ (VObject xs)
        | _ => pure Nothing
      let xs = toList xs
      xs : List (Maybe (x : JSONType ** (String, JSONValue x))) <- 
          (\(t ** (k, v)=> do
            Just v <- dFilter' f v
              | _ => pure Nothing
            pure $ Just (t ** (k, v)))
      let (_ ** xs: (t : List JSONType ** DList _ _ t) = 
        fromList $ catMaybes xs
      pure . Just $ VObject xs
    dFilter' f (VArray xs) = do 
      True <- pure $ f _ (VArray xs)
        | _ => pure Nothing
      let xs = toList xs
      xs : List (Maybe (x : JSONType ** JSONValue x)) <- 
          (\(t ** v=> do
            Just v <- dFilter' f v
              | _ => pure Nothing
            pure $ Just (t ** v))
      let (_ ** xs: (t : List JSONType ** DList _ _ t) = 
        fromList $ catMaybes xs
      pure . Just $ VArray xs
    dFilter' f x =
      pure $ case f _ x of
        False => Nothing
        True => Just x


We are going to get mutually recursive here. Instead of using a mutual block, we will use the more modern style of declaring all our types ahead of our definitions.

object : Parser (JSONValue TObject)
array : Parser (JSONValue TArray)
string : Parser (JSONValue TString)
number : Parser (JSONValue TNumber)
bool : Parser (JSONValue TBool)
null : Parser (JSONValue TNull)

Define a whitespace character class based on the json specifications

whitespace : Parser Char
whitespace = do
  pnote "Whitespace character"
  theseChars [' ', '\n', '\r', '\t']

Convenience function

dpairize : {t : JSONType} -> 
  Parser (JSONValue t) -> Parser (t' : JSONType ** JSONValue t')
dpairize x = do
  x <- x
  pure (_ ** x)

Top level json value parser

value : Parser (t : JSONType ** JSONValue t)
value = do 
  pnote "JSON Value"
  surround whitespace $ oneOfE 
    "Expected JSON Value" 
      dpairize object
    , dpairize array
    , dpairize string
    , dpairize number
    , dpairize bool
    , dpairize null

Now go through our json value types

object = do
  pnote "JSON Object"
    "Expected Object" 
    [emptyObject, occupiedObject]
    emptyObject : Parser (JSONValue TObject)
    emptyObject = do
      delimited '{' '}' (nom whitespace)
      pure $ VObject Nil
    keyValue : Parser (t : JSONType ** (String, JSONValue t))
    keyValue = do
      VString key <- surround whitespace string
      _ <- charExact ':'
      (typ ** val<- value
      pure (typ ** (key, val))
    restKeyValue : Parser (t : JSONType ** (String, JSONValue t))
    restKeyValue = do
      _ <- charExact ','
    pairs : Parser (List1 (t : JSONType ** (String, JSONValue t)))
    pairs = do
      first <- keyValue
      rest <- many restKeyValue
      -- TODO: headTail combinator for this
      pure $ first ::: rest
    occupiedObject : Parser (JSONValue TObject)
    occupiedObject = do
      val <- delimited '{' '}' pairs
      let (types ** xs= DList.fromList (forget val)
      pure $ VObject xs

array = do
  pnote "JSON Array"
    "Expected Array" 
    [emptyArray, occupiedArray]
    emptyArray : Parser (JSONValue TArray)
    emptyArray = do
      delimited '[' ']' (nom whitespace)
      pure $ VArray Nil
    restValue : Parser (t : JSONType ** JSONValue t)
    restValue = do
      _ <- charExact ','
    values : Parser (List1 (t : JSONType ** JSONValue t))
    values = do
      first <- value
      rest <- many restValue
      pure $ first ::: rest 
    occupiedArray : Parser (JSONValue TArray)
    occupiedArray = do
      xs <- delimited '[' ']' values
      let (types ** xs= DList.fromList (forget xs)
      pure $ VArray xs

string = do
  pnote "JSON String"
  str <- liftString $ delimited '"' '"' (many stringCharacter)
  pure $ VString str
    -- TODO: Handle control characters properly
    stringCharacter : Parser Char
    stringCharacter = do
      result <- charPredicate (not . (== '"'))
      case result of
        GotChar char => pure char
        GotError err =>
          throwParseError "Expected string character, got \{show err}"
        EndOfInput => throwParseError "Unexpected end of input"

number = do
  pnote "JSON Number"
  d <- double
  pure $ VNumber d

bool = do
  pnote "JSON Bool"
    "Expected Bool"
    [true, false]
    true : Parser (JSONValue TBool)
    true = do
      _ <- exactString "true" 
      pure $ VBool True
    false : Parser (JSONValue TBool)
    false = do
      _ <- exactString "false" 
      pure $ VBool False

null = do
  pnote "JSON null"
  _ <- exactString "null"
  pure VNull

Unit tests

Quick smoke test

-- @@test JSON Quick Smoke
quickSmoke : IO Bool
quickSmoke = do
  let input = "{\"string\":\"string\",\"number\":5,\"true\":true,\"false\":false,\"null\":null,\"array\":[1,2,3]}"
  putStrLn input
  Right (type ** parsed<- runFirstIODebug value input
    | Left err => do
      printLn err
      pure False
  putStrLn "Input: \{input}\nOutput: \{show type} -> \{show parsed}"
  let reference_object = 
    VObject [
      ("string", VString "string")
    , ("number", VNumber 5.0)
    , ("true", VBool True)
    , ("false", VBool False)
    , ("null", VNull)
    , ("array", VArray [
        VNumber 1.0
      , VNumber 2.0
      , VNumber 3.0
  case type of
    TObject => pure $ parsed == reference_object
    _ => pure False

module Years.Y2015

import Structures.Dependent.FreshList

import Runner


y2015 : Year
y2015 = MkYear 2015 [

Day 1


Day 2

  , day2

Day 3

  , day3

Day 4

  , day4

Day 5

  , day5

Day 6

  , day6

Day 7

  , day7

Day 8

  , day8

Day 9

  , day9

Day 10

  , day10

Day 11

  , day11

Day 12

  , day12

Day 13

  , day13

Day 14

  , day14


Year 2015 Day 1

Pretty simple, basic warmup problem, nothing really novel is on display here except the effectful part computations.

Solver Functions

This one implements the entirety of the logic for part 1, in a simple tail recursive manner, pattern matching on each character in the input string.

We include a case for a non-paren character for totality's sake, but since we kinda trust the input here we just don't do anything in that branch.

trackFloor : (start : Integer) -> (xs : List Char) -> Integer
trackFloor start [] = start
trackFloor start ('(' :: xs) = trackFloor (start + 1) xs
trackFloor start (')' :: xs) = trackFloor (start - 1) xs
trackFloor start (x :: xs) = trackFloor start xs

This one is slightly more complicated, ultimately very similar to the above, but with two accumulators, one for the position in the input string in addition to the one for the current floor.

findBasement : (position : Nat) -> (currentFloor : Integer) -> (xs : List Char)
  -> Nat
findBasement position currentFloor [] = position
findBasement position currentFloor ('(' :: xs) =
  findBasement (position + 1) (currentFloor + 1) xs
findBasement position currentFloor (')' :: xs) =
  if currentFloor <= 0
    then position
    else findBasement (position + 1) (currentFloor - 1) xs
findBasement position currentFloor (x :: xs) =
  findBasement (position + 1) currentFloor xs

Part Functions

Both this parts are simple application of one of our solver functions

Part 1

Very uneventful, the only thing novel here is pulling the input out of the ReaderL "input" String, which will become very boring very quickly.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Integer, ())
part1 = do
  input <- map unpack $ askAt "input"
  let output = trackFloor 0 input
  pure (output, ())

Part 2

We have to be careful to start the position accumulator at 1, since the problem specifies that the input string is 1-index.

part2 : () -> Eff (PartEff String) Nat
part2 x = do
  input <- map unpack $ askAt "input"
  pure $ findBasement 1 0 input

Year 2015 Day 2

This day provides us our first little taste of effectful parsing

import Data.List
import Data.List1
import Data.String

Box structure

A record to hold the parameters of a box and methods to operate on it

record Box where
  constructor MkBox
  length, width, height : Integer

Box methods

.area provides the surface area of the box, .slack provides the surface area of the smallest face, .ribbon provides the smallest perimeter of a face, and .bow provides the volume of the box.

Names are as described in the problem

(.area) : Box -> Integer
(.area) (MkBox length width height) =
  2 * length * width + 2 * width * height + 2 * length * height

(.slack) : Box -> Integer
(.slack) (MkBox length width height) =
  foldl1 min [length * width, width * height, length * height]

(.ribbon) : Box -> Integer
(.ribbon) (MkBox length width height) =
  foldl1 min [2 * (length + width), 2 * (length + height), 2 * (width + height)]

(.bow) : Box -> Integer
(.bow) (MkBox length width height) = length * width * height

Provide the total amount of ribbon needed, by adding the ribbon (smallest perimeter) and the bow (volume) values together.

totalRibbon : Box -> Integer
totalRibbon x = x.ribbon + x.bow

Provide the total amount of paper needed by adding the surface area and the slack (smallest side surface area) together.

paperNeeded : Box -> Integer
paperNeeded x = x.area + x.slack

Box parsing

Parse a box from an input string of form lengthxwidthxheight.

parseBox : Has (Except String) fs =>
  String -> Eff fs Box
parseBox str = do

First, we split the string into 3 parts by pattern matching on the result of split, using pure to lift the computation into the effect, and throwing an error if the pattern match fails.

  l ::: [w, h] <- pure $ split (== 'x') str
    | xs => throw "Box did not have exactly 3 components: \{show xs}"

Then try to parse each of the three integers, throwing an error if parsing fails, then construct and return our box.

  length <- note "Failed parsing length: \{show l}" $ parsePositive l
  width <- note "Failed parsing width: \{show w}" $ parsePositive w
  height <- note "Failed parsing height: \{show h}" $ parsePositive h
  pure $ MkBox length width height

Part Functions

Part 1

Split the input into lines, effectfully traverse our box parser over the resulting list of lines, then sum the amounts of paper needed for each box.

We return the list of parsed boxes as the context here to avoid needing to parse again in part 2

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Integer, List Box)
part1 = do
  input <- map lines $ askAt "input"
  boxes <- traverse parseBox input
  let output = sum . map paperNeeded $ boxes
  pure (output, boxes)

Part 2

Much the same as part 1, except with the amount of ribbon needed instead of the amount of paper, and without the parsing, since we received the already parsed list of boxes from part 1 as our context value.

part2 : (boxes : List Box) -> Eff (PartEff String) Integer
part2 boxes = pure . sum . map totalRibbon $ boxes

Year 2015 Day 3

This day provides a gentle introduction to mutual blocks and mutually recursive functions.

import Data.SortedSet
import Data.String

import Util

Parsing and data structures

We'll do parsing a little more properly this time, turning the input into a list of movement commands

data Movement = North | East | South | West

We need an effectful operation to parse a single char into a movement. We'll pattern match on the char, and include a catch-all case that throws an error in the event of an invalid char

parseMovement : Has (Except String) fs => (x : Char) -> Eff fs Movement
parseMovement '^' = pure North
parseMovement '>' = pure East
parseMovement 'v' = pure South
parseMovement '<' = pure West
parseMovement x = throw "Invalid Movement: \{show x}"

We also need to be able to translate a Movement into a vector of length one pointing in the given direction in coordinate space. Somewhat arbitrarily, we chose 'North' to be positive x and 'East' to be positive y.

vector : Movement -> (Integer, Integer)
vector North = (1, 0)
vector East = (0, 1)
vector South = (-1, 0)
vector West = (0, -1)

Solver functions

Visited houses

This is a pretty simple task, we are just applying the movements to our current position, and adding our current position to the set of visited locations, so we'll handle this with a normal tail recursive function.

To keep the api nice, we wont ask for the set or the starting location in the top-level function, and instead have the top level function initialize the set and location before passing control to the inner tail-recursive variant.

Because the starting location gets a present, we'll add our location to the set before performing the movement, so we will need to add our final location to the set in the recursive base case.

visitedLocations : List Movement -> SortedSet (Integer, Integer)
visitedLocations xs = visitor xs empty (0, 0)
  visitor : (moves : List Movement) -> (set : SortedSet (Integer, Integer))
    -> (location : (Integer, Integer)) -> SortedSet (Integer, Integer)
  visitor [] set location = insert location set
  visitor (x :: xs) set location = 
    visitor xs (insert location set) (location >+< vector x)

Robo Santa

This one gets a bit more interesting, we'll adopt the same tail recursive approach, but instead use a mutual block and two mutually recursive functions to handle the alternation between santa and robo santa. The visitSanta function will pass control to visitRobo after executing its movement, and vise versa.

We'll want to insert both present deliverer's locations in the recursive base case, this may result in a duplicate location, but that's okay because SortedSet will only hold at most one of each item inserted into it.

In idris, there is a general requirement that values be defined before their use, a common feature of dependently typed languages, resulting from the fact that just having the type signature of a function/value alone is not always enough to perform type checking, as functions can appear as part of types, requiring evaluation of the function and making automatic dependency analysis effectively impossible.

Inside a mutual block, elaboration behaves differently, elaborating types first and then values in separate passes. This restricts what you can do a little, but enables mutually recursive functions.

visitedLocations' : List Movement -> SortedSet (Integer, Integer)
visitedLocations' xs = visitSanta xs empty (0, 0) (0, 0)
    visitSanta : (moves : List Movement) -> (set : SortedSet (Integer, Integer))
      -> (santa, robo : (Integer, Integer)) -> SortedSet (Integer, Integer)
    visitSanta [] set santa robo = insert santa . insert robo $ set
    visitSanta (x :: xs) set santa robo = 
      visitRobo xs (insert santa set) (santa >+< vector x) robo

    visitRobo : (moves : List Movement) -> (set : SortedSet (Integer, Integer))
      -> (santa, robo : (Integer, Integer)) -> SortedSet (Integer, Integer)
    visitRobo [] set santa robo = insert santa . insert robo $ set
    visitRobo (x :: xs) set santa robo =
      visitSanta xs (insert robo set) santa (robo >+< vector x)

Part Functions

Part 1

Similar to the previous day, we get our input, unpack it, and traverse our effectful movement parsing function over it, before feeding that into our solving function.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Nat, List Movement)
part1 = do
  input <- map (unpack . trim) $ askAt "input"
  movements <- traverse parseMovement input
  let locations = visitedLocations movements
  pure (length locations, movements)

Part 2

Same as Part 1, but with a different solving function

part2 : (movements : List Movement) -> Eff (PartEff String) Nat
part2 movements = do
  let locations = visitedLocations' movements
  pure . length $ locations

Year 2015 Day 4

This day introduces us to a little bit of FFI, linking to openssl to use it's MD5 functionality.

import Data.String
import Data.Bits
import System.FFI
import Prim.Array


We will be using openssl's MD5 function to do the hashing, so we will need to provide a couple of foreign function definitions.

First, we'll provide one for the C standard library's strlen. We could get this value from within idris, but we'll do it through FFI to flesh out the example a bit more.

The format of the specifier after %foreign is "language:function name,library name". Since strlen is the c standard library, we use libc as the library name.

Idris will automatically convert primitive types like Strings and Ints to their C equivalents at the FFI boundary.

PrimIO is a special, basic type of IO action based on linear types, we won't be getting into the specifics right now.

By convention, primitive FFI function names start with prim__ in idris.

%foreign "C:strlen,libc"
prim__strlen : String -> PrimIO Int

Now we need one for the MD5 function from openssl, the openssl objectfile calls itself libcrypto, so we'll use that as the library name.

The MD5 function actually returns a pointer to the hash value, but since the 3rd argument is the pointer it expects to write the hash to, we already have that value and we'll ignore it by having our prim__md5 return unit.

The second argument is the length of the input string in bytes.

%foreign "C:MD5,libcrypto"
prim__md5 : String -> Int -> Ptr Bits8 -> PrimIO ()

Now we glue these parts together in our higher level md5' function.

We use malloc from System.FFI to allocate a buffer for prim__md5 to write to. This returns an AnyPtr, when we need a Ptr Bits8, so we'll need to cast it, using prim__castPtr from the prelude.

We then use our prim__strlen function to get the length of our input string from within C, using primIO from the prelude to "lift" the resulting PrimIO Int into our io context.

We then feed the string, the calculated length, and our casted buffer into our prim__md5 function, then use prim__getArrayBits8 from the c-ffi library to extract each of the bytes, passing them into a pure idris helper function to convert into hex representation.

Since we are working with C FFI and performing a little bit of manual memory management here, we must remember to free our pointer, and then we can splice together our output string and return.

md5' : HasIO io => String -> io String
md5' str = do
  buffer <- malloc 16
  len <- primIO $ prim__strlen str
  raw_md5 <- primIO $ prim__md5 str len (prim__castPtr buffer)
  let bytes = map (\x => prim__getArrayBits8 (prim__castPtr buffer) x) [0..15]
  free buffer
  pure . joinBy "" . map byteToHex $ bytes
    hexDigit : Bits8 -> Char
    hexDigit n = 
      if n < 10 
        then chr (cast n + ord '0')
             else chr (cast (n - 10) + ord 'a')
    byteToHex : Bits8 -> String
    byteToHex n =   
      pack [hexDigit (n `shiftR` 4), hexDigit (n .&. 0xF)]

Now, because foreign functions return a PrimIO by default, our md' still requires some sort of HasIO (like IO). This is undesirable here, after all, MD5 is a hash function, so it really ought to behave like a pure function. We know from taking a careful look at what FFI functions we are invoking that we aren't altering any global state.

Idris has an escape hatch for these types of situations, unsafePerformIO. This function is, as the name suggests, quite unsafe, so it shouldn't be used if you don't fully understand the implications, and only sparingly at that, but doing FFI to C is an intrinsically unsafe operation, so it's morally okay to use here, as long as we are careful to not violate referential transparency or type safety. Haskell programmers should note that unsafePerformIO is much easier to use correctly in Idris, largely as a result of Idris being strict by default.

Finally, we'll construct our top level md5 function, wrapping md5' in unsafePerformIO

md5 : String -> String
md5 str = unsafePerformIO $ md5' str

Solver functions

Count the leading zeros in a string

There is a more clever way to do this making use of a "view" strings have for interacting with them as if they were lazy lists, but we've already covered so much here that we'll save that one for another time and just do it the straight forward way, having a top level function that accepts a string, turns it into a list of chars, and then pass it into a tail recursive helper function to actually count the zeros.

countZeros : String -> Nat
countZeros str = countZeros' (unpack str) 0
  countZeros' : (xs : List Char) -> (acc : Nat) -> Nat
  countZeros' [] acc = acc
  countZeros' ('0' :: xs) acc = countZeros' xs (acc + 1)
  countZeros' (x :: xs) acc = acc

Count the number of zeros for a specific input

Concatenate on our number to our secret key, hash it, and count the zeros

checkZeros : (key : String) -> (number : Nat) -> Nat
checkZeros key number = 
  let hash = md5 (key ++ show number)
  in countZeros hash

Find the first input with a specific number of zeros

Search numbers starting at the provided seed and counting up in a tail recursive helper function. This function is going to be effectively impossible to prove totality for, so we have removed our normal %default total annotation for this file

findFirst : (zeros : Nat) -> (key : String) -> (seed : Nat) -> Nat
findFirst zeros key current = 
  if checkZeros key current >= zeros 
    then current
    else findFirst zeros key (current + 1)

Part Functions

Part 1

Pass the input into our findFirst function and use the result as both our output and context value. Since part2 is searching for a longer run of 0s than part 1, numbers already checked by part 1 can not possibly be valid solutions for part 2, so we can skip them in part 2.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Nat, Nat)
part1 = do
  input <- map trim $ askAt "input"
  let number = findFirst 5 input 0
  pure (number, number)

Part 2

Start the findFirst search from the point where part 1 left off.

part2 : Nat -> Eff (PartEff String) Nat
part2 seed = do
  input <- map trim $ askAt "input"
  let number = findFirst 6 input seed
  pure number

Year 2015 Day 5

This day provides a nice chance to introduce views, specifically String's AsList view, which lets us treat Strings as if they were lazy lists or iterators.

import Data.String

import Util

Nice Strings

Contains at least 3 vowels

First we must define what a vowel is

vowels : List Char
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']

Now define a function to check if a string contains a minimum number of vowels. Here we make use of the with rule and the AsList view over strings.

The with rule provides dependently typed pattern matching, allowing us to make use of the fact that the form of some of the arguments can be determined by the values of the others.

The AsList view associates a String with a lazy list of the characters in the string by providing incremental proofs that the String decomposes into the lazy list. An AsList of value Nil/[] proves that the associated string is empty, and an AsList of value c :: xs proves that the associated string can be generated by strConsing the character c onto the rest of the string as captured by the AsList in xs.

We use the asList function, which generates the AsList view for the provided string, as the argument to the with block. Functions like this that produce views for a value are refereed to as "covering functions". In general, views are dependently typed constructs whose value provides insight into the structure of another value.

We implement this function by keeping a counter of the number of vowels we still need to see to accept the string, returning true when that counter equals zero, or false if we hit the end of the string (when the string argument is empty and the associated AsList is Nil) while the counter is still non-zero.

If the counter is non-zero and the string is non-empty, we check the current c character to see if it is a vowel, by checking to see if our vowels list contains it, then recurse, decrementing the counter if it was a vowel, and leaving the counter unchanged if it wasn't.

The use of | xs after the recursive call to containsVowels tells Idris to recurse directly to the with block, allowing it to reuse the AsList value in xs without having to generate the AsList view again.

containsVowels : (count : Nat) -> String -> Bool
containsVowels count str with (asList str)
  containsVowels 0 str | _ = True
  containsVowels (S k) "" | [] = False
  containsVowels (S k) (strCons c str) | (c :: xs) = 
    if any (== c) vowels
      then containsVowels k str | xs
      else containsVowels (S k) str | xs

At least one letter appears twice in a row

For this one, since we need to inspect two letters at a time, we break out a nested with block, with the tail of the AsList as the argument of the block, to also pattern match on the next character of the string.

Since the AsList view is lazy, we need to use force in the inner with block to force the evaluation of the next component of the view, this is due to a bug in the compiler.

The logic here is pretty simple, if we hit the empty string or get down to one character, return False, if we have two characters available, compare them, returning True if they match, and recursing to the outer with block, only consuming one of the two characters, if they don't match.

doubleLetter : String -> Bool
doubleLetter str with (asList str)
  doubleLetter "" | [] = False
  doubleLetter (strCons c str) | (c :: x) with (force x)
    doubleLetter (strCons c "") | (c :: x) | [] = False
    doubleLetter (strCons c (strCons d str)) | (c :: x) | (d :: y) = 
      if c == d
        then True
        else doubleLetter (strCons d str) | x

No Invalid Substrings

First we define the substrings that are disallowed

disallowedSubstrs : List String
disallowedSubstrs = ["ab", "cd", "pq", "xy"]

Idris's standard library does not currently define a function to check if a string is a substring of another, so we instead use our own isSubstr function, defined via use of the AsList view, from our Util module.

noDisallowed : String -> Bool
noDisallowed str = 
  not $ any (`isSubstr` str) disallowedSubstrs


Combine all three of our above functions together to check if a string is a "nice" string

isNice : String -> Bool
isNice str = containsVowels 3 str && doubleLetter str && noDisallowed str

New niceness

Pair of letters that appears twice

Use a similar approach to doubleLetter above, but instead of comparing the two chars for equality, pack them into a string and check if they are a substring of the rest of the string.

pairTwice : String -> Bool
pairTwice str with (asList str)
  pairTwice "" | [] = False
  pairTwice (strCons c str) | (c :: x) with (force x)
    pairTwice (strCons c "") | (c :: x) | [] = False
    pairTwice (strCons c (strCons d str)) | (c :: x) | (d :: y) = 
      if pack [c, d] `isSubstr` str
        then True
        else pairTwice (strCons d str) | x

Letter that repeats after one letter

More of the same, but this one gets extra fun because we are matching 3 letters at a time. This would be a lot nicer if we could get away without nesting the with blocks, but due to the aformentioned compiler bug, we need the nesting.

letterRepeatGap : String -> Bool
letterRepeatGap str with (asList str)
  letterRepeatGap "" | [] = False
  letterRepeatGap (strCons c str) | (c :: x) with (force x)
    letterRepeatGap (strCons c "") | (c :: x) | [] = False
    letterRepeatGap (strCons c (strCons d str)) | (c :: x) | (d :: y) with (force y)
      letterRepeatGap (strCons c (strCons d "")) | (c :: x) | (d :: y) | [] = False
      letterRepeatGap (strCons c (strCons d (strCons e str))) | (c :: x) | (d :: y) | (e :: z) = 
        if c == e
          then True
          else letterRepeatGap (strCons d (strCons e str)) | x

New isNice

Glue our two new niceness functions together

isNice' : String -> Bool
isNice' str = pairTwice str && letterRepeatGap str

Part Functions

Part 1

Split our input up into a list of its component strings, and then count how many satisfy the "nice" criteria.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Nat, ())
part1 = do
  strings <- map (lines . trim) $ askAt "input"
  let x = count isNice strings
  pure (x, ())

Part 2

Same as above, but with the new niceness criteria

part2 : () -> Eff (PartEff String) Nat
part2 _ = do
  strings <- map (lines . trim) $ askAt "input"
  let x = count isNice' strings
  pure x

Year 2015 Day 6

Introduction to the advent of code classic 2d grid problem.

import Util

import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.List1
import Data.Vect
import Data.Fin
import Data.String
import Data.IORef

Parsing and data structures

Grid structure

Since this is our first 2d grid problem, we'll keep it simple and use a Vect of Vects to store our problem state, we'll revisit a more complicated but more efficient structure for storing a 2d Grid in a later problem.

This alias adds 1 to each of its arguments to ensure non-emptyness.

Grid : (rows, cols : Nat) -> Type -> Type
Grid rows cols e = Vect (S rows) (Vect (S cols) e)

We also provide a type alias for the coordinates in this grid, a simple pair of Fins.

Coord : (rows, cols : Nat) -> Type
Coord rows cols = (Fin (S rows), Fin (S cols))

Range extraction helpers

Convert a Vect to a lazy list

vectToLazy : Vect n e -> LazyList e
vectToLazy [] = []
vectToLazy (x :: xs) = x :: vectToLazy xs

Extract an inclusive range of indexes from a Vect as a lazy list

extractSegment : (start, end : Fin n) -> Vect n e -> LazyList e
extractSegment start end xs =
  let xs = take (1 + finToNat end) . vectToLazy $ xs
  in drop (finToNat start) xs

Command data structures

The three types of action that can be performed on a light.

data Action = On | Off | Toggle

The range of coordinates that a command affects

record Range (rows, cols : Nat) where
  constructor MkRange
  top_left, bottom_right : Coord rows cols

Helper function to extract a range of values from our Grid.

First extracts the range of rows this Range touches, then maps a an extractor for the range of columns it touches across them, before lazily concatenating the resulting lists.

extractRange : Range rows cols -> Grid rows cols e -> LazyList e
extractRange (MkRange (x_start, y_start) (x_end, y_end)) xs = 
  let rs = extractSegment x_start x_end xs
      cs = map (extractSegment y_start y_end) rs
  in foldrLazy (\e, acc => e ++ acc) [] cs 

An action and its associated range

record Command (rows, cols : Nat) where
  constructor MkCmd
  action : Action
  range : Range rows cols


Pattern match on the action string, throwing an error if the action was invalid

parseAction : Has (Except String) fs =>
  (input : String) -> Eff fs Action
parseAction "on" = pure On
parseAction "off" = pure Off
parseAction "toggle" = pure Toggle
parseAction str = throw "Invalid action: \{str}"

Attempt to split the string into two parts on the comma, and then attempt to parse the parts as Fins, throwing an appropriate error if anything goes wrong

parseCoord : Has (Except String) fs => 
  {rows, cols : Nat} -> (input : String) -> Eff fs (Coord rows cols)
parseCoord input = 
  case split (== ',') input of
    head ::: [] => throw "Pair only had one component: \{input}"
    head ::: [tail] => do
      x <- note "Invalid x coordinate: \{head}" $ parsePositive head
      y <- note "Invalid y coordinate: \{tail}" $ parsePositive tail
      pure (x, y)
    head ::: xs => throw "Pair had \{show $ 1 + length xs} components: \{input}"

Parse two pairs together into a range

parseRange : Has (Except String) fs => 
  {rows, cols : Nat} -> (pair1, pair2 : String) -> Eff fs (Range rows cols)
parseRange pair1 pair2 = do
  top_left <- parseCoord pair1
  bottom_right <- parseCoord pair2
  pure $ MkRange top_left bottom_right

Split a string into a list of parts, pattern matching those parts to attempt to extract a Command.

parseCommand : Has (Except String) fs => Has Logger fs =>
  {rows, cols : Nat} -> (input : String) -> Eff fs (Command rows cols)
parseCommand input = do
  trace "Parsing command: \{input}"
  case split (== ' ') input of
    "toggle" ::: [pair1, "through", pair2] => do
      range <- parseRange pair1 pair2
      let cmd = MkCmd Toggle range
      debug "Parsed \{show cmd} from: \{input}" 
      pure cmd 
    "turn" ::: [action, pair1, "through", pair2] => do
      action <- parseAction action
      range <- parseRange pair1 pair2
      let cmd = MkCmd action range
      debug "Parsed \{show cmd} from: \{input}" 
      pure cmd
    _ => throw "Improper command: \{input}"

Problem structure

Since we are dealing with a million slots here, we'll want some level of true mutability. The actual structure containing the slots doesn't need to be modified once its setup, so we'll make the mutability interior to the slots and keep a Grid of IORefs.

We'll setup a helper function to initialize our grid based on a seed value.

ioGrid : Has IO fs =>
  (rows, cols : Nat) -> (seed : e) -> Eff fs $ Grid rows cols (IORef e)
ioGrid rows cols seed = 
  let grid : Grid rows cols _ = replicate _ (replicate _ (newIORef seed))
  in traverse (traverse id) grid

Convert a Grid of IORefs into a Grid of pure values by traversing the readIORef operation over our Grid.

purify : Has IO fs =>
  {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef e) -> Eff fs $ Grid rows cols e
purify grid = traverse (traverse readIORef) grid

Solver Functions

Part 1 Variants

namespace Part1

Apply a given command to our Grid of IORefs.

Use our extractRange function to extract all the IORefs in the grid cells touched by our Range and then traverse an appropriate mutating action over them.

  applyCommand : Has IO fs =>
    {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef Bool) -> Command rows cols -> Eff fs ()
  applyCommand xs (MkCmd action range) = 
    let cells = extractRange range xs
    in case action of
      On => Lazy.traverse_ (`writeIORef` True) cells
      Off => Lazy.traverse_ (`writeIORef` False) cells
      Toggle => Lazy.traverse_ (`modifyIORef` not) cells

Apply a list of commands to our Grid of IORefs, doing some debug logging along the way.

  applyCommands : Has IO fs => Has Logger fs =>
    {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef Bool) -> List (Command rows cols)
    -> Eff fs ()
  applyCommands grid xs = applyCommands' 0 (length xs) xs
    applyCommands' : (idx, len : Nat) -> List (Command rows cols) -> Eff fs ()
    applyCommands' idx len [] = pure ()
    applyCommands' idx len (x :: xs) = do
      debug "Part 1 - Applying command \{show idx}/\{show len}: \{show x}"
      applyCommand grid x
      applyCommands' (S idx) len xs

Part 2 Variants

namespace Part2

Much the same as above, but instead we apply the part 2 rules to a Grid of Nat.

  applyCommand : Has IO fs =>
    {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef Nat) -> Command rows cols -> Eff fs ()
  applyCommand xs (MkCmd action range) = 
    let cells = extractRange range xs
    in case action of
      On => Lazy.traverse_ (`modifyIORef` (+ 1)) cells
      Off => Lazy.traverse_ (`modifyIORef` (`minus` 1)) cells
      Toggle => Lazy.traverse_ (`modifyIORef` (+ 2)) cells

Identical to above, except for using our part 2 applyCommand. We can use the same name here because we have the two variants behind namespaces and Idris can disambiguate via the types.

  applyCommands : Has IO fs => Has Logger fs =>
    {rows, cols : Nat} -> Grid rows cols (IORef Nat) -> List (Command rows cols)
    -> Eff fs ()
  applyCommands grid xs = applyCommands' 0 (length xs) xs
    applyCommands' : (idx, len : Nat) -> List (Command rows cols) -> Eff fs ()
    applyCommands' idx len [] = pure ()
    applyCommands' idx len (x :: xs) = do
      debug "Part 2 - Applying command \{show idx}/\{show len}: \{show x}"
      applyCommand grid x
      applyCommands' (S idx) len xs

Day functions

Part 1

Parse our commands, generate our initial Grid with all the lights turned off (represented by False), apply our commands to it, purify it, and count the lights that are turned on.

Pass out our list of parsed commands as the context for reuse in part 2.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Nat, List (Command 999 999))
part1 = do
  input <- map (lines . trim) $ askAt "input"
  commands <- traverse parseCommand input
  grid <- ioGrid 999 999 False
  applyCommands grid commands
  grid <- purify grid
  let lights_on = sum . map (count id) $ grid
  pure $ (lights_on, commands)

Part 2

This time, use an initial Grid with all brightness values at 0, apply our list of preparsed commands using our part 2 applyCommands function (selected via the type signature), and then add up the brightnesses.

part2 : List (Command 999 999) -> Eff (PartEff String) Nat
part2 commands = do
  grid <- ioGrid 999 999 (the Nat 0)
  applyCommands grid commands
  grid <- purify grid
  let brightness = sum . map sum $ grid
  pure brightness

Year 2015 Day 7

This day provides us a gentle introduction to dependent maps.

Per the problem specification, each wire can only be output to by one gate. To encode this property in the type, we'll tag Gate with the output wire in the type, and then store our ciruct as a dependent map from wires to Gates. This ensures that the circut only contains one gate outputting to each wire, and that looking up a wire in the ciruct produces exactly the gate that outputs to it through type checking.

Ensuring that the input contains only one gate outputting for each wire is done through throwing a runtime error in the parsing function if a second gate outputting to a given wire is found in the input.

import Data.Bits
import Data.Fin
import Data.String
import Data.List1
import Data.SortedMap
import Data.SortedMap.Dependent
import Decidable.Equality

Parsing and data structures

Problem structure

Define type aliases for wires and literals, and specify that an input can be either a literal or a wire.

Wire : Type 
Wire = String

Literal : Type
Literal = Bits16

Input : Type
Input = Either Literal Wire

Description of a Gate, tagged in the type with the name of the output wire.

This creates what is referred to as an "indexed type family", in this case a family of Gate types indexed by values of type Wire.

data Gate : Wire -> Type where
  Constant : (x : Input) -> {output : Wire} -> Gate output
  And : (x, y : Input) -> {output : Wire} -> Gate output
  Or : (x, y : Input) -> {output : Wire} -> Gate output
  Not : (x : Input) -> {output : Wire} -> Gate output
  LShift : (x : Input) -> (y : Index {a = Literal}) -> {output : Wire}
    -> Gate output
  RShift : (x : Input) -> (y : Index {a = Literal}) -> {output : Wire}
    -> Gate output

Parsing functions

Parse a shift value, making sure its bounded properly to index a Bits16

parseShift : Has (Except String) fs => String -> Eff fs (Index {a = Literal})
parseShift str = 
  note "Invalid shift: \{str}" $ parsePositive str

Make sure that this string consists only of lowercase letters

parseWire : Has (Except String) fs => String -> Eff fs Wire
parseWire str = 
  if all isLower (unpack str) 
    then pure str
    else throw "Invalid wire \{str}"

Parse either a wire or a literal

parseInput : Has (Except String) fs => String -> Eff fs Input
parseInput str = 
  case parsePositive str of
    Nothing => map Right . parseWire $ str
    Just x => pure $ Left x

Split the string into components and pattern match on them to extract a gate

parseGate : Has (Except String) fs => Has Logger fs =>
  String -> Eff fs (wire : Wire ** Gate wire)
parseGate str = do 
  debug "Parsing gate: \{str}"
  case split (== ' ') str of
    x     ::: ["->",     output              ] => do
      x <- parseInput x
      output <- parseWire output
      pure (output ** Constant x)
    "NOT" ::: [x,        "->",         output] => do 
      x <- parseInput x
      output <- parseWire output
      pure (output ** Not x)
    x     ::: ["AND",    y,      "->", output] => do
      x <- parseInput x
      y <- parseInput y
      output <- parseWire output
      pure (output ** And x y)
    x     ::: ["OR",     y,      "->", output] => do
      x <- parseInput x
      y <- parseInput y
      output <- parseWire output
      pure (output ** Or x y)
    x     ::: ["RSHIFT", y,      "->", output] => do
      x <- parseInput x
      y <- parseShift y
      output <- parseWire output
      pure (output ** RShift x y)
    x     ::: ["LSHIFT", y,      "->", output] => do
      x <- parseInput x
      y <- parseShift y
      output <- parseWire output
      pure (output ** LShift x y)
    _ => throw "Invalid Gate: \{str}"

Break the input into lines, traverse parseGate over the lines, and collect the results into our circut DMap.

The type of a value in a SortedDMap depends on the value of the key that refers to it, in the type constructor SortedDMap k v, v is of type k -> Type, this is the function the map calls to calculate the type of the value from the value of the key. This, not so coincidentally, is the type signature of our Gate type constructor, which we can slot in here to get a map from a wire to the gate outputting to that wire, preventing us from accidentally associating a wire to the wrong gate.

parseGates : Has (Except String) fs => Has Logger fs => 
  String -> Eff fs (SortedDMap Wire Gate)
parseGates input = do
  gates : List (wire : Wire ** Gate wire) <-
    traverse parseGate . lines . trim $ input
  foldlM insertGate empty gates
    insertGate : SortedDMap Wire Gate -> (wire : Wire ** Gate wire)
      -> Eff fs $ SortedDMap Wire Gate
    insertGate map (wire ** gate= 
      if isJust $ lookup wire map
        then throw "Duplicate gate for \{wire}"
        else pure $ insert wire gate map

Solver Functions

Recursively solve for the value on a wire, keeping a cache of already solved wires

solveWire : Has (Except String) fs => Has (State (SortedMap Wire Literal)) fs =>
  Has (Reader (SortedDMap Wire Gate)) fs => 
  (wire : Wire) -> Eff fs Literal
solveWire wire = do
  -- Short circut if we are already in the cache
  Nothing <- map (lookup wire) get
    | Just cached => pure cached
  -- Find the gate that outputs to this wire in our circut
  Just gate <- map (lookupPrecise wire) ask
    | _ => throw "No output for wire \{wire}"
  -- Recursively solve for the inputs and apply this gate's operation
  res : Literal <- case gate of
    Constant x => fromInput x 
    And x y => do
      x <- fromInput x
      y <- fromInput y
      pure $ x .&. y
    Or x y => do
      x <- fromInput x
      y <- fromInput y
      pure $ x .|. y
    Not x => do
      x <- fromInput x
      pure $ complement x
    LShift x y => do
      x <- fromInput x
      pure $ x `shiftL` y
    RShift x y => do
      x <- fromInput x
      pure $ x `shiftR` y
  -- Add this gate's output to the cache
  modify $ insert wire res
  pure res
    fromInput : (i : Input) -> Eff fs Literal
    fromInput (Left x) = pure x
    fromInput (Right x) = solveWire x

Part Functions

Part 1

Parse the input, then feed it and an initial empty cache into our solveWire function, passing the produced value as the output and the circut, represented as a dependent map from wires to gates, as well as the output signal from wire 'a' as the context for part 2.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Bits16, (SortedDMap Wire Gate, Literal))
part1 = do
  circut <- askAt "input" >>= parseGates
  (value, _) <- 
    runState empty . runReader circut $ solveWire "a" 
      {fs = State (SortedMap Wire Literal) 
            :: Reader (SortedDMap Wire Gate) 
            :: PartEff String }
  pure (value, (circut, value))

Part 2

Override the value for the 'b' wire to the output from the 'a' wire in part 1, then rerun our calcuation to find the new output for the 'a' wire.

part2 : (SortedDMap Wire Gate, Literal) -> Eff (PartEff String) Bits16
part2 (circut, value) = do
  let circut = insert "b" (Constant (Left value)) circut
  (value, _) <- 
    runState empty . runReader circut $ solveWire "a" 
      {fs = State (SortedMap Wire Literal) 
            :: Reader (SortedDMap Wire Gate) 
            :: PartEff String }
  pure value

Year 2015 Day 8

This day provides a more in depth introduction to writing effectful parsers, making use of state and non-determinism in our parsers.

import Data.String
import Data.Vect
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.Either


A "Parser" is an effectful computation that has access to a list of chars as state, can throw exceptions of type String, and has non-determinism through the Choose effect, which consumes some of the state to potentially return a value.

Basic operations

Get the next character out of the parser state, updating the state to consume that character.

nextChar : Has (State (List Char)) fs => Has (Except String) fs => Eff fs Char
nextChar = do
  c :: rest <- get
    | [] => throw "End of input"
  put rest
  pure c

Attempt to parse a single character based on the supplied predicate, consuming the character from the state and throwing the provided error if the predicate does not hold over the consumed character.

char : Has (State (List Char)) fs => Has (Except String) fs => 
  (pred : Char -> Bool) -> (err : Char -> String) -> Eff fs Char
char pred err = do
  c <- nextChar
  unless (pred c) (throw $ err c)
  pure c

Type alias for a parser

Parser : (res : Type) -> Type
Parser res = Eff [State (List Char), Except String, Choose, Logger] res

Parse 0+ of a thing, speculatively attempting to apply the given parser. In the event the supplied parser fails, catch the error, unwind changes to the state, and return an empty list, otherwise append the parsed element to the head of the returned list and recurse.

The rewinding of the state on failure could be handled implicitly by the effect stack if Except was structured a bit differently, but that's a topic for another day.

many : (f : Parser t) -> Parser (List t)
many f = do
  state <- get
  Just x <- lift $ catch (\ _ => pure Nothing) (map Just f)
    | Nothing => do
      put state
      pure []
  map (x ::) $ many f

"Parse" the end of the input, returning a unit if we are at the end of input, throwing an error otherwise.

endOfInput : Parser ()
endOfInput = do
  [] <- get
    | xs => throw "Expected end of input, state non empty: `\{pack xs}`"
  pure ()

Character Classes

Parse a single ", throwing an error if the current character is anything else. Returns a unit since there is only one possible character this parses, and this avoids us having to discard the character later in our string parser.

quote : Parser ()
quote = do
  _ <- char (== '"') (\x => "Expected `\"`, got `\{String.singleton x}`")
  pure ()

Parse any character except \ or "

normal : Parser Char
normal = 
    (\x => not $ any (== x) (the (List _) ['\\', '"'])) 
    (\x => "Expected normal, got `\{String.singleton x}`")

Escaped Characters

Parse the character sequence \", returning just the ". Despite the fact that can only return one possible character, like quote above, we return the parsed character, as we intend to provide all the escaped character parsers to the oneOfM combinator later.

eQuote : Parser Char
eQuote = do
  _ <- char (== '\\') (\x => "Expected `\\`, got `\{String.singleton x}`")
  char (== '"') (\x => "Expected `\"`, got `\{String.singleton x}`")

Parse the character sequence \, returning just the second \.

eSlash : Parser Char
eSlash = do
  _ <- char (== '\\') (\x => "Expected `\\`, got `\{String.singleton x}`")
  char (== '\\') (\x => "Expected `\\`, got `\{String.singleton x}`")

Convert a lowercase hexadecimal digit to its numerical value.

fromHex : Char -> Int
fromHex c = 
  if ord c >= 97
    then ord c - 87
    else ord c - 48

Parse a character sequence \xAB, where AB are hexadecimal digits, and decode the numerical value of AB, as a hexadecimal number, into its corresponding character.

eHex : Parser Char
eHex = do
  _ <- char (== '\\') (\x => "Expected `\\`, got `\{String.singleton x}`")
  _ <- char (== 'x') (\x => "Expected `x`, got `\{String.singleton x}`")
  [x, y] <- map (map $ fromHex . toLower) . 
            sequence . 
            Vect.replicate 2 $
              (\x => "Expected hex digit, got `\{String.singleton x}`"))
  pure . chr $ x * 0x10 + y

Use the oneOfM combinator to combine our escaped character parsers into a single character class. oneOfM uses the Choice effect to try all of the provided parsers, conceptually in parallel, returning all of the results.

escaped : Parser Char
escaped = oneOfM $ the (List _) [eQuote, eSlash, eHex]

Top Level Class

Combine our normal and escaped parsers into a single parser for non-quote characters.

character : Parser Char
character = oneOfM $ the (List _) [normal, escaped]

Parse a string literal by describing its layout as a quote ("), followed by any number of characters, then another quote, followed by the end of input. Return the characters between the outer quotes.

string : Parser (List Char)
string = do
  xs <- many character
  pure xs

Running a parser

Run a parser, with some debug logging, by peeling the parsing effects of of the type. The order is important here, remember that function composition "runs" right to left.

We peel the state off the type first, so that we can get implicit "rewinding" of the state inside of our combinators, like oneOfM.

For a full understanding of what's going on here, we need to see how the type signature changes as we peel effects off the type, you can uncomment the commented lines, and comment out the rest of the function, modifying the let output = line to follow along yourself, though the types you get may look a little different due to idris evaluating type alaises like Eff for you, I am keeping them in aliased forms, and excluding Logger, which doesn't impact the semantic of parsing, to keep the examples concise:

  • runstate (unpack str) $ x

    This produces a value with type Eff [Except String, Choose] (List Char, List Char). In this tuple of values, the first element is the actual output of the parser, and the second element is the state after the parser has run.

  • runExcept . runState (unpack str) $ x

    This produces a value with type Eff [Choose] (Either String (List Char, List Char)). This corresponds to a computation that either returns our tuple of output and state from before, or an error. Important to note here is that, in the error case, we only return a String (our error type), our state is discarded.

  • runChoose {f = LazyList} . runExcept . runState (unpack str) $ x

    The Choose effect, works with any type that implements the Alternative interface, and the choice of type impacts the semantics. A full discussion of this is beyond the scope for today, but we chose to "run" Choose with LazyList, which effectively gives us an iterator over all the possible parsings of our input text.

    This produces a value with type Eff [] (LazyList (Either String (List Char, List Char))). When we hit an application of Choose, like oneOfM, all possibilities will be tried and each one will be added to our output LazyList. Because this is a LazyList, and not a List, only values we actually inspect are generated, allowing parsing to terminate after the first successful parse without having to generate the rest of the list.

    Note that we have an independent possible state value for each slot in the list, this speaks to this effect stack, when run in this order, providing a sort of branching behavior for states, allowing different branches in the Choose effect to modify their state without impacting the state of other branches.

From there, we run our lazyRights helper function over the outputs LazyList to discard parsing paths that result in an error, extract the first element of each tuple, get the head of the list, if one still exists, and use pack to convert the contents of the resulting Maybe (List Char) to a string. Then a little bit of debug logging, and return the output.

runParser : Has Logger fs => Parser (List Char) -> String 
  -> Eff fs $ Maybe String
runParser x str = do
  info "Parsing: \{str}"
  -- let outputs = 
  --   runChoose {f = LazyList} . runExcept . runState (unpack str) $ x
  -- ?parser_types
  outputs <- 
    lift . runChoose {f = LazyList} . runExcept . runState (unpack str) $ x
  let output = map pack . head' . map fst . lazyRights $ outputs
  case output of
    Nothing =>
      debug "Failed: \{show outputs}"
    Just y => do
      debug "Got: \{y}"
      trace "\{show outputs}"
  pure output
    lazyRights : LazyList (Either a b) -> LazyList b
    lazyRights [] = []
    lazyRights (Left _ :: xs) = lazyRights xs
    lazyRights (Right x :: xs) = x :: lazyRights xs

Escaping characters

This is much more boring the the parsing, we just do simple recursive pattern matching on the characters of the provided string, escaping " and \, and surround the resulting string with quotes.

escape : String -> String
escape str = "\"\{pack . escape' . unpack $ str}\""
  escape' : List Char -> List Char
  escape' [] = []
  escape' ('"' :: xs) = '\\' :: '"' :: escape' xs
  escape' ('\\' :: xs) = '\\' :: '\\' :: escape' xs
  escape' (x :: xs) = x :: escape' xs

Part Functions

Part 1

Convert the inputs into a list of lines, traverse our parser over it, deal with possible failures by sequencing the List (Maybe String) into a Maybe (List String), and the compute the difference in character counts.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Int, List String)
part1 = do
  inputs <- map lines $ askAt "input"
  outputs <- traverse (runParser string) inputs
  Just outputs <- pure $ sequence outputs
    | _ => throw "Some strings failed to parse"
  let difference = 
    sum $ zipWith (\x, y => strLength x - strLength y) inputs outputs
  pure (difference, inputs)

Part 2

Map our character escaping function over our input string and compute the difference in character counts.

Make a little stop along the way to ensure that escape -> parse round trips without changing the content of the string.

part2 : List String -> Eff (PartEff String) Int
part2 inputs = do
  let outputs = map escape inputs
  Just reversed_outputs <- map sequence . traverse (runParser string) $ outputs
    | _ => throw "Reversing escaping of the inputs failed"
  unless (all id $ zipWith (==) inputs reversed_outputs) $ do
    debug . delay . joinBy "\n" . map show . filter (\(x, y, z) => x /= z) $ 
      zip3 inputs outputs reversed_outputs
    throw "Parsed outputs were not identical to inputs"
  let difference = 
    sum $ zipWith (\x, y => strLength y - strLength x) inputs outputs
  pure difference

Year 2015 Day 9

This day provides our first example of a graph traversal problem. We'll use a Choose based effectful breath first search to identify all the possible paths meeting the problem criteria, and then figure out the length in a separate step. This isn't a particularly efficient solution, but its good enough for this small problem size.

import Data.String
import Data.List1
import Data.Vect
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.SortedMap
import Data.SortedSet

import Util

Parsing and data structures


Define a location pair as a collection of two locations and a distance between them (as this graph is undirected), as well as some type aliases, a contains method to test if a pair covers a given location, and implement Foldable for the type to get access to the standard library utility methods.

DistanceMap serves as a slightly fancy adjacency list for our graph representation. We'll load this into a Reader effect to avoid having to pass it around as an explicit argument to every function later on once it's been computed.

Location : Type
Location = String

Distance : Type
Distance = Integer

record LocationPair (l : Type) where
  constructor MkLP
  locations : Vect 2 l
  distance : Integer
%name LocationPair lp, mp, np, op

contains : Eq l => l -> LocationPair l -> Bool
contains x lp = 
  case find (== x) lp.locations of
    Nothing => False
    Just _ => True

Foldable LocationPair where
  foldl f acc lp = foldl f acc lp.locations
  foldr f acc lp = foldr f acc lp.locations
  toList lp = toList lp.locations

LP : Type
LP = LocationPair Location

DistanceMap : Type
DistanceMap = SortedMap Location (List LP)

Perform simple, pattern matching based parsing of a location pair.

parseLocationPair : Has (Except String) fs =>
  String -> Eff fs LP
parseLocationPair str = do
  from ::: ["to", to, "=", dist] <- pure $ split (== ' ') str
    | _ => throw "Badly formatted input string: \{str}"
  dist <- note "Bad distance: \{dist}" $ parsePositive dist
  pure $ MkLP [from, to] dist

Convert a list of pairs to a DistanceMap, a mapping from a location to all the location pairs that cover it. To keep this function readable, we do this inside an inner function with the State DistanceMap effect.

Since the inner function is recursive, instead of extracting the result after running the state effect, we lift it into an unconstrained fs so we can borrow the stack-saftey from our runner's top level runEff.

pairsToMap : List LP -> Eff fs DistanceMap
pairsToMap lps = do
  (_, out) <- lift . runState empty $ insertPairs lps
  pure out
    insertLoc : LP -> (loc : Fin 2) -> Eff [State DistanceMap] ()
    insertLoc lp loc = do
      let loc = (index loc lp.locations)
      list <- map (lookup loc) get
      case list of
        Nothing => modify $ insert loc [lp]
        Just xs => modify $ insert loc (lp :: xs)
    insertPair : LP -> Eff [State DistanceMap] ()
    insertPair lp = traverse_ (insertLoc lp) (the (List _) [0, 1])
    insertPairs : List LP -> Eff [State DistanceMap] ()
    insertPairs lps = traverse_ insertPair lps

Solver functions

Generate all the possible paths originating from current with length depth, which is set to the number of locations in the calling function to provide the "visits each node once" property.

The path argument accumulates the path taken by this particular branch of the breadth first search. It is accumulated in reverse order, but this doesn't really matter as this graph is undirected.

We use the Choose effect to explore every possible link connecting to the current node, after filtering the possible links for ones that satisfy the problem constraints.

paths : Has (Reader DistanceMap) fs => Has Choose fs => Has Logger fs =>
  (path : List Location) 
  -> (depth : Nat)
  -> (current : Location)
  -> Eff fs (List Location)
paths path 0 current = empty
paths path 1 current = 
  if contains current path
    then empty
    else pure $ current :: path
paths path (S depth') current = do
  debug "Paths from \{current} at \{show (depth')} having visited \{show path}"
  -- If we are in the path list, we have revisited this node, bail
  False <- pure $ contains current path
    | _ => empty
  -- Update our path list to contain ourself
  let path = current :: path
  -- Find our next possible steps, bailing out if there are none
  Just nexts <- map (lookup current) ask
    | _ => do empty
  -- Convert it to a list of locations
  let nexts = concat . map toList $ nexts
  -- Filter out any that are already in the path, this would be covered by the
  -- check at the start of this function, but this cleans up the logs
  let nexts = filter (not . (flip contains) path) nexts
  -- Select our next node
  next <- oneOf nexts
  paths path depth' next

Calculate all the possible paths that satisfy the problem constraints.

As a minor optimization, we only explore the paths leading out of a single arbitrary location to start with, and then take advantage of a symmetry of the problem, collecting all the "rotations" of each output path to cheaply calculate all the paths that take all the same steps as our "seed" path, but have different starting and ending locations.

allPaths : 
  Has (Reader DistanceMap) fs => Has Logger fs => Has (Except String) fs =>
  Eff fs $ SortedSet (List Location)
allPaths = do
  locs <- map keys ask
  first <- note "No locations" $ head' locs
  paths <- lift . runChoose {f = LazyList} $ 
    paths [] (length locs) first {fs = [Choose, Reader _, Logger]}
  pure $ buildSet paths empty
    insertPaths : List (List Location) -> (acc : SortedSet (List Location)) 
      -> SortedSet (List Location)
    insertPaths [] acc = acc
    insertPaths (x :: xs) acc = insertPaths xs (insert x acc)
    buildSet : LazyList (List Location) -> (acc : SortedSet (List Location))
      -> SortedSet (List Location)
    buildSet [] acc = acc
    buildSet (x :: xs) acc = 
      let rots = rotations x
      in buildSet xs (insertPaths rots acc) 

Calculate the length of a path by recursively destructuring the list and looking up each pair of locations in our DistanceMap.

pathLen : Has (Reader DistanceMap) fs => Has (Except String) fs =>
  (path : List Location) -> Eff fs Integer
pathLen [] = pure 0
pathLen (x :: []) = pure 0
pathLen (x :: (y :: xs)) = do
  lps <- map (lookup x) ask >>= note "Not found in distance map: \{x}"
  lp <- note "Pair not found \{x} \{y}" $ 
    find (\l => contains x l && contains y l) lps
  map (lp.distance +) $ pathLen (y :: xs)

Calculate the shortest path from a list of paths by recursively comparing lengths.

shortestPath : Has (Reader DistanceMap) fs => Has (Except String) fs =>
  (paths : List (List Location, Integer)) -> Eff fs (List Location, Integer)
shortestPath paths = do
  shortest paths Nothing
    shortest : List (a, Integer) -> (acc : Maybe (a, Integer)) 
      -> Eff fs (a, Integer)
    shortest [] acc = note "No paths" acc
    shortest (x :: xs) acc = 
      case acc of
        Nothing => shortest xs (Just x)
        Just y => 
          if (snd x) < (snd y)
            then shortest xs (Just x)
            else shortest xs (Just y)

Calculate the longest path from a list of paths by recursively comparing lengths.

longestPath : Has (Reader DistanceMap) fs => Has (Except String) fs =>
  (paths : List (List Location, Integer)) -> Eff fs (List Location, Integer)
longestPath paths = do
  longest paths Nothing
    longest : List (a, Integer) -> (acc : Maybe (a, Integer)) 
      -> Eff fs (a, Integer)
    longest [] acc = note "No paths" acc
    longest (x :: xs) acc = 
      case acc of
        Nothing => longest xs (Just x)
        Just y => 
          if (snd x) > (snd y)
            then longest xs (Just x)
            else longest xs (Just y)

Part Functions

Part 1

Parse our locations, turn them into a DistanceMap, load that into our reader, generate our paths, then find the one with the shortest length.

part1 : 
  Eff (PartEff String) (Integer, (DistanceMap, List (List Location, Integer)))
part1 = do
  locations <- map lines (askAt "input") >>= traverse parseLocationPair
  info "Locations: \{show locations}"
  distance_map <- pairsToMap locations
  info "Distance map: \{show distance_map}"
  runReader distance_map {fs = Reader DistanceMap :: PartEff String} $ do
  paths <- map Prelude.toList allPaths
  trace "Paths: \{show paths}"
  info "Found \{show $ length paths} paths"
  distances <- traverse pathLen paths
  let pairs = zip paths distances
  (path, len) <- shortestPath pairs
  info "Shortest Path: \{show path} \{show len}"
  pure (len, (distance_map, pairs))

Part 2

Feed the locations back into a longest path function

part2 : (DistanceMap, List (List Location, Integer))
  -> Eff (PartEff String) Integer
part2 (distance_map, pairs) = do
  runReader distance_map {fs = Reader DistanceMap :: PartEff String} $ do
  (path, len) <- longestPath pairs
  info "Longest Path: \{show path} \{show len}"
  pure len

Year 2015 Day 10

This day doesn't really add anything new, but we will show off our new views for viewing integers as lists of digits.

import Data.String
import Data.List1
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.Monoid.Exponentiation
import Data.Nat.Views

import Util
import Util.Digits

Solver Functions

Produce a lazy lists of the digits of a number, in descending order of significance. This effectively translates our new Descending view to a LazyList.

lazyDigits : Integer -> LazyList Integer
lazyDigits i with (descending i)
  lazyDigits i | (NegDec rec) = lazyDigits _ | rec
  lazyDigits 0 | Start = []
  lazyDigits ((digit * (10 ^ magnitude)) + rest) | (Prev _ digit rest rec) = 
    digit :: lazyDigits _ | rec

Apply the look-and-say rule to list of digits. We operate in the list-of-digits space for efficiency, this number will grow into the millions of digits, and Idris is currently lacking some needed primitive operations to perform this operation in Integer space reasonably efficiently. A LazyList is used here to avoid having to actually instantiate the entirety of these reasonably large lists.

lookAndSay : LazyList Integer -> LazyList Integer
lookAndSay digits = 
  -- Flatten the list once more
  -- Convert the produced numbers into lists of their digits
  . map lazyDigits
  -- re-flatten our list
  . lazyConcat
  -- Count the number of occurrences of each digit and emit [occurances, digit]
  . map (\xs@(head ::: tail) => 
          (the (LazyList _) [natToInteger $ length xs, head])) 
  -- Group identical digits
  . lazyGroup 
  $ digits

Apply the look-and-say rule to an integer, for repl testing

lookAndSay' : Integer -> Integer
lookAndSay' i = 
  let digits = lazyDigits i
      res = lookAndSay digits
  in unDigits res 0
    unDigits : LazyList Integer -> (acc : Integer) -> Integer
    unDigits [] acc = acc
    unDigits (x :: xs) acc = unDigits xs (acc * 10 + x)

Repeatedly apply lookAndSay to a seed value, with logging

repeatLogged : Has Logger fs => 
  (count : Nat) -> (seed : LazyList Integer) -> Eff fs $ LazyList Integer
repeatLogged 0 seed = pure seed
repeatLogged (S k) seed = do
  trace "Remaining iterations: \{show (k)} digits: \{show . count (const True) $ seed}"
  repeatLogged k (lookAndSay seed) 

Part Functions

Part 1

Parse our input, convert it into a list of digits, then run our lookAndSay function on it 40 times, and count the output digits.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Nat, LazyList Integer)
part1 = do
  input <- askAt "input" >>= (note "Invalid input" . parsePositive)
  let input = lazyDigits input
  info "Input: \{show input}"
  output <- repeatLogged 40 input
  pure (count (const True) output, output)

Part 2

Same thing, but 10 more times

part2 : (digits : LazyList Integer) -> Eff (PartEff String) Nat
part2 digits = do
  output <- repeatLogged 10 digits
  pure $ count (const True) output

Year 2015 Day 11

This day provides a gentle introduction to refinement types, types which augment other types with a predicate that must hold for all the values of the refined type, which allow easily defining types as subsets of other types based on some property of the acceptable elements.

While refinement types are quite easy to implement in Idris, and we easily could implement the one we need for today's task as a throw away data structure just for this module, we will be using the refined1 library's implementation for the sake of getting on with it.

import Data.Vect
import Data.String
import Data.Refined.Char

import Util

Data Structures and Parsing

Provide a predicate which establishes that a char is a lowercase alphabetic character, the only type of character that passwords are allowed to contain. We use the FromTo predicate from the refined1 library to restrict chars to within the range from a to z.

This predicate has multiplicity 0, a full discussion of multiplicites and linear types is out of scope for today, but put simply this enforces that a value of this predicate type can be "used" at most 0 times, having the effect of erasing the value at runtime, making this more or less a zero-cost abstraction.

0 IsPasswordChar : Char -> Type
IsPasswordChar = FromTo 'a' 'z'

Combine a Char with its corresponding IsPasswordChar predicate into a combined "refined" type, whose elements are the subset of Chars that are lowercase alphabetic characters.

record PasswordChar where
  constructor MkPC
  char : Char
  {auto 0 prf : IsPasswordChar char}
%name PasswordChar pc

A function to fallible convert Chars into refined PasswordChars, this will return Just if the Char satisfies the predicate, and Nothing otherwise, aligning with the type-level guarantees of the PasswordChar type.

refineChar : Char -> Maybe PasswordChar
refineChar c = map fromSubset $ refine0 c
    fromSubset : Subset Char IsPasswordChar -> PasswordChar
    fromSubset (Element char prf) = MkPC char

Convenience function returning a as a PasswordChar

lowest : PasswordChar
lowest = MkPC 'a'

"Increment" a PasswordChar, changing it to the next letter (a becomes b, b becomes c, so on), returning nothing if we go past z, corresponding to a carry.

We do this by converting the internal Char to an integer, adding one to it, then converting back to a Char. This low-level conversion loses the refinement context, forcing us to call refineChar on the new value to bring it back into the refined type, providing us type-level assurance that this function will return Nothing if an overflow occurs.

incriment : PasswordChar -> Maybe PasswordChar
incriment (MkPC char) = 
  let next = chr $ ord char + 1
  in refineChar next

A Password is a Vect of 8 PasswordChars. This Vect is sorted in reverse order compared to the String it corresponds to, with the right-most letter first, to make implementing the incrimentPassword function a little easier and cleaner.

We also provide conversion to/from a String

Password : Type
Password = Vect 8 PasswordChar
parsePassword : Has (Except String) fs => String -> Eff fs Password
parsePassword str = do
  cs <- note "Password has incorrect number of characters: \{str}" 
        . toVect 8 . reverse . unpack $ str
  cs <- note "Password contained invalid characters: \{str}" 
        $ traverse refineChar cs
  pure cs

passwordToString : Password -> String
passwordToString = pack . toList . reverse . map char

Define a function to increment a Password, this function will "roll over", producing aaaaaaaa if provided zzzzzzzz.

incrimentPassword : Vect n PasswordChar -> Vect n PasswordChar
incrimentPassword [] = []
incrimentPassword (x :: xs) = 
  case incriment x of
    Nothing => lowest :: incrimentPassword xs
    Just x => x :: xs

Password validity

A password must contain a run of at least 3 incrementing characters, check this by converting the PasswordChars to their integer representations. Remember that our Password Vect is backwards compared to the string representation.

incrimentingChars : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool
incrimentingChars (z :: next@(y :: (x :: xs))) = 
  let [x, y, z] : Vect _ Int = map (ord . char) [x, y, z]
  in if y == x + 1 && z == y + 1
    then True
    else incrimentingChars next
incrimentingChars _ = False

A password may not contain i, o, or l

noInvalidChars : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool
noInvalidChars = not . (any (flip contains $ ['i', 'o', 'l'])) . map char

A password contains at least two different non-overlapping pairs.

We check this by pattern matching our password two characters at a time, consuming both characters if a matched pair is found, and tacking on the Char the list is composed of to an accumulator list as we go. This list is then reduced to only its unique elements (it's nub), and checking to see if it's length is at least 2.

containsPairs : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool
containsPairs xs = length (nub $ pairs (reverse xs) []) >= 2
    pairs : Vect m PasswordChar -> (acc : List Char) -> List Char
    pairs [] acc = acc
    pairs (x :: []) acc = acc
    pairs (x :: (y :: xs)) acc = 
      if x == y 
        -- If there is a pair, consume it to prevent detecting overlapping pairs
        then pairs xs (x.char :: acc)
        -- If there isn't a pair, only consume one character
        else pairs (y :: xs) acc

Combine our password criteria into one function

passwordCriteria : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool
passwordCriteria xs = incrimentingChars xs && noInvalidChars xs && containsPairs xs

Find the next password

Find the next password based on a criteria function

findNextPassword : 
  (f : Vect n PasswordChar -> Bool) -> (password : Vect n PasswordChar)
  -> Vect n PasswordChar
findNextPassword f password = 
  let next = incrimentPassword password
  in if f next
    then next
    else findNextPassword f next

Part Functions

Part 1

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (String, Password)
part1 = do
  input <- map trim $ askAt "input"
  password <- parsePassword input
  info "Starting password: \{show password} -> \{passwordToString password}"
  let next_password = findNextPassword passwordCriteria password
  pure (passwordToString next_password, next_password)

Part 2

part2 : Password -> Eff (PartEff String) String
part2 password = do
    "Second starting password: \{show password} -> \{passwordToString password}"
  let next_password = findNextPassword passwordCriteria password
  pure $ passwordToString next_password


Year 2015 Day 12

This day provides an introduction to our new Parser.JSON module, as well as the use of DLists1 to collect values from an indexed type family into a single collection.

import Structures.Dependent.DList

import Parser
import Parser.JSON


Parse a list of JSON values into a DList.

JSONValue's type constructor has the signature JSONType -> Type, forming what is known as an "Indexed Type Family".

Each type of JSON value has a separate type, e.g. a Bool has type JSONValue TBool, a String has type JSONValue TString, etc. While these are all separate types, they all share the JSONValue component of the type constructor, making them members of the same family.

Despite being members of the same type family, they still have different types, so we can't just shove JSONValues of different types into, say, a List JSONValue, we need a collection with some amount of heterogeneity. While a List (type : JSONType ** JSONValue type) would work, that introduces various ergonomic headaches, so instead we return a DList1, a List like data structure specifically designed for collecting values from an indexed typed family into a single collection.

The parsing logic is otherwise quite simple, we use the many combinator to turn the value parser, which parses a single JSON value, into one that parses a list of JSON values, and then use DList's fromList method to collect the results into a DList.

parseJsons : Has (Except String) fs => Has IO fs => (input : String)
  -> Eff fs (types : List JSONType ** DList JSONType JSONValue types) 
parseJsons input = do
  result <- runFirstIO (many value) input
  case result of
    Left err => throw $ show err
    Right result => pure $ fromList result


A reducer for DList.dFoldL that sums all the numbers within the contained JSON Value.

The outer function is meant to be called on a top level object, using DList.dFoldL on a DList of JSONValues, where as the inner function directly reduces a JSONValue using JSON.dFoldL.

sumNumbers : Double -> (type : JSONType) -> (value : JSONValue type) -> Double
sumNumbers dbl type value = dFoldL sumNumbers' dbl value
    sumNumbers' : Double -> (type : JSONType) -> (value : JSONValue type) -> Double
    sumNumbers' dbl TNumber (VNumber d) = dbl + d
    sumNumbers' dbl _ value = dbl

Filter out objects containing a "red" key

noRed  : (type : JSONType) -> (value : JSONValue type) -> Bool
noRed TObject value = 
  let (types ** vals= getValues value
  in case dFind (\t, v => 
                  case t of
                    TString => v == (VString "red")
                    _ => False
                ) vals of
    Nothing => True
    Just _ => False
noRed _ value = True

sumNumbersNoRed : 
  Double -> (type : JSONType) -> (value : JSONValue type) -> Double
sumNumbersNoRed dbl type value = 
  case dFilter noRed value of
    Nothing => dbl
    Just value => sumNumbers dbl type value

Part Functions

Part 1

Parse our JSONs, then fold our sumNumbers reducer over them.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) 
            (Double, (types : List JSONType ** DList JSONType JSONValue types))
part1 = do
  input <- askAt "input"
  (types ** values<- parseJsons input
  let result = dFoldL sumNumbers 0.0 values
  pure (result, (types ** values))

Part 2

part2 : (types : List JSONType ** DList JSONType JSONValue types)
  -> Eff (PartEff String) Double
part2 (types ** values= do
  let result = dFoldL sumNumbersNoRed 0.0 values
  pure result


Year 2015 Day 13

This day exhibits a naive, Vect based implementation of a ring buffer, as well as our first introduction to parameters blocks.

import Data.String
import Data.List1
import Data.List.Lazy
import Data.Vect
import Data.Maybe
import Data.SortedMap.Dependent
import Decidable.Equality

import Util

%default total

Parsing and Data Structures

Name : Type
Name = String

Happiness : Type
Happiness = Integer

Describe a change in happiness from a change in seating arrangement as data structure, indexed by the name of the individual whose happiness it describes, and provide some projections.

data Change : (changee : Name) -> Type where
  NextTo : (changee : Name) -> (other : Name) -> (amount : Happiness)
    -> Change (changee)

(.changee) : Change changee -> Name
(.changee) (NextTo changee _ _) = changee

(.other) : Change changee -> Name
(.other) (NextTo _ other _) = other

(.amount) : Change changee -> Happiness
(.amount) (NextTo _ _ amount) = amount

Collect the list of changes provided as input into a structure that encodes our assumptions at the type level.

The changes are stored in a in a dependent map, with the name of the individual as the key, and lists of potential changes to their happiness as the values.

This problem is a bit nicer to express in terms of a collection of known size, and we don't want to be constantly converting the keys list to a Vect, so we instead store it in Changes as a Vect. We don't want to accidentally store the wrong thing here, so we store an auto-implicit proof of equality, keys_prf, proving that the names list is exactly the list of keys in change_map converted to a Vect with fromList.

It will also make things a bit nicer if we can assume that our names list is non-empty, after all it really doesn't make sense to talk about seating arrangements at a table with 0 people at it, so we store an auto-implict nonempty proof establishing that the length of change_map's keys list, and thus names, is at least 1.

record Changes where
  constructor MkChanges
  change_map : SortedDMap Name (\n => List (Change n))
  names : Vect (length (keys change_map)) Name
  {auto keys_prf : names = fromList (keys change_map)}
  {auto nonempty : IsSucc (length (keys change_map))}

Our usual pattern-matching based parsing of one element of the input, returning a dependent pair of the name of the individual this record describes, and the change described by that record.

parseChange : Has (Except String) fs => 
  String -> Eff fs (name ** Change name)
parseChange str = do
  changee ::: [_, direction, amount, _, _, _, _, _, _, other] 
    <- pure $ split (== ' ') str
    | _ => throw "Invalid input string \{str}"
  amount <- note "Invalid amount \{amount} in \{str}" $ parseInteger amount
  amount : Happiness <-
    case direction of
      "gain" => pure amount
      "lose" => pure $ negate amount
      x      => throw "Invalid direction \{x} in \{str}" 
  let other = pack . filter (/= '.') . unpack $ other
  pure (_ ** (changee `NextTo` other) amount)

Parse the entire list of changes in the input, collecting them into a dependent map as we go along, and performing the checks needed for Idris to be satisfied that the conditions encoded by the auto-implict proofs in Changes are met.

parseChanges : Has (Except String) fs =>
  List String -> (seed : SortedDMap Name (\n => List (Change n)))
  -> Eff fs Changes
parseChanges strs seed = do
  changes <- traverse parseChange strs
  let change_map = insertChanges changes seed
  case isItSucc (length (keys change_map)) of
    Yes prf => pure $ MkChanges change_map (fromList (keys change_map))
    No contra => throw "Empty table, not very interesting"
    insertChanges : List (name ** Change name) 
      -> (acc : SortedDMap Name (\n => List (Change n)))
      -> SortedDMap Name (\n => List (Change n))
    insertChanges [] acc = acc
    insertChanges ((name ** change:: xs) acc = 
      case lookupPrecise name acc of
        Nothing => insertChanges xs (insert name [change] acc)
        Just ys => insertChanges xs (insert name (change :: ys) acc)

Solver functions

All of these functions are about to take the same first argument, (cs : Changes). This is a really common occurrence, especially when dealing with dependent proof types, so Idris has syntax sugar to avoid repeating your self in theses situations, parameters blocks1.

A parameters block adds the provided arguments to the start of every top level signature contained within it, in this case, making the first argument of all of these functions have type (cs : Changes). The arguments to the parameters blocks are also added to the front of the arguments list, using the names provided in the signature.

parameters blocks also provide another fun bit of functionality that makes code within them more concise, within a parameters block, the parameters are implicitly passed as arguments to calls to functions in the same block.

parameters (cs : Changes)

Calculate the happiness change for a given person in a seating arrangement, use finS and unfinS to get the indexes of the parties seated to either side of us, and look them up in our map, adding the amount of change described by them together.

Notice how cs appears neither in the arguments list, nor the type signature, yet we can still refer to it as if it was included at the start of both.

  happinessFor :
    (arrangement : Vect (length (keys cs.change_map)) Name)
    -> (idx : Fin (length (keys cs.change_map)))
    -> Happiness
  happinessFor arrangement idx = 
    let name = idx `index` arrangement
    in case name `lookupPrecise` cs.change_map of
      Nothing => 0
      Just changes => 
        let name_right = (finS idx) `index` arrangement
            change_right = 
              fromMaybe 0 . map (.amount) . find ((== name_right) . (.other)) $ 
            name_left = (unfinS idx) `index` arrangement
            change_left = 
              fromMaybe 0 . map (.amount) . find ((== name_left) . (.other)) $ 
        in change_right + change_left

Calculate the overall happiness change for a given arrangement by mapping our happinessFor function over a list of all possible indexes to the arrangement vect, and summing the results.

Notice how the cs parameter is implicitly passed to happinessFor, as we are inside the same parameters block as it.

  happinessChange :
    (arrangement : Vect (length (keys cs.change_map)) Name)
    -> Happiness
  happinessChange arrangement = 
    let idxes = List.allFins (length (keys cs.change_map))
        changes = map (happinessFor arrangement) idxes
    in sum changes

Find the arrangement with the maximum total change in happiness by mapping happinessChange over a list of all the possible permutations of our seed arrangement described by names, and using maxBy to identify the largest positive change in overall happiness.

  maxHappiness : Has (Except String) fs =>   
    Eff fs (Happiness, Vect (length (keys cs.change_map)) Name)
  maxHappiness =
    let arrangements = permutations cs.names
        changes = map happinessChange arrangements
        pairs = zip changes arrangements
    in case pairs of
      [] => throw "No arrangements"
      (x :: xs) => pure $ maxBy (compare `on` fst) x xs

Part Functions

Part 1

Parse our input and feed it into our maxHappiness function.

Notice how, since we are outside the parameters block, we have to provide the cs argument to maxHappiness explicitly.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Happiness, ())
part1 = do
  input <- map lines $ askAt "input"
  changes <- parseChanges input empty
  (max, arrangement) <- maxHappiness changes
  pure (max, ())

Part 2

Our implementation already replaces missing relationships with 0, so we can cheese this by injecting ourself with an empty relationship list into the change_map : SortedDMap Name (\n => (List n)).

The overall Changes data structure isn't easy to modify, and since our data set is quite small here, we'll just inject this into parsing and reparse our data.

part2 : () -> Eff (PartEff String) Happiness
part2 x = do
  input <- map lines $ askAt "input"
  let seed = insert "ME!!!!" [] empty
  changes <- parseChanges input seed
  (max, arrangement) <- maxHappiness changes
  pure max


Year 2015 Day 14

This day provides us an introduction to streams, infinite, lazily generated, collections of data.

import Data.String
import Data.List1
import Data.Vect
import Data.Stream
import Data.Zippable
import Decidable.Equality

import Util

Parsing And Datastructures

Collect the aspects defining a reindeer into a record

record Reindeer where
  constructor MkReindeer
  name : String
  speed : Nat
  duration, rest : Nat

This time around, since the lines describing a reindeer contain a lot of cruft, we'll handle the parsing by converting the input, after splitting it on space characters, to a Vect, and indexing into that Vect.

parseReindeer : Has (Except String) fs =>
  (input : String) -> Eff fs Reindeer
parseReindeer input = do
  parts <- note "Input has wrong size: \{input}" $
    toVect 15 . forget . split (== ' ') . trim $ input
  let name = index 0 parts
  speed <- note "" $
    parsePositive $ index 3 parts
  duration <- note "" $
    parsePositive $ index 6 parts
  rest <- note "" $
    parsePositive $ index 13 parts
  pure $ MkReindeer name speed duration rest

Solver Functions

A stream is an infinite analog of a list, storing an infinite collection of (lazily generated) values.

Streams are defined like:

data Stream' : Type -> Type where
  (::) : a -> Inf (Stream' a) -> Stream' a

Streams are a member of a family of concepts analogous to iterators in imperative languages, the different flavors of colist.

Colists are the codata duals of lists, we'll dig more into to this later, but to provide a high level summary, where data is defined by how it is constructed, codata is defined by how it is destructed. While a list is defined by how you can cons an element x onto a list xs to produce a new list x :: xs, a colist is defined by how you can break down a colist x :: xs into a head x and a tail xs.

Streams are a particular type of colist that has no empty case, breaking down a Stream will always produce an element and another stream, resulting in streams always being infinite in length.

Destructing a Stream by pattern matching is semantically equivalent to calling the next method on an iterator in a language like rust, it produces the element at the head of a stream, and a new stream producing future elements.

We will model are reindeer's future history of locations as a stream, with each element being the position at the time given by the index into the stream, generating it with a pair of mutually recursive functions. The run function adds the speed to current position to produce the next one, and the rest function doesn't modify the position whill still consuming a time step.

distances : Reindeer -> Stream Nat
distances x = run x x.duration 0
    run : (deer : Reindeer) -> (left : Nat) -> (position : Nat) 
     -> Stream Nat
    rest : (deer : Reindeer) -> (left : Nat) -> (position : Nat) 
     -> Stream Nat
    run deer 0 position = rest deer position
    run deer (S k) position = position :: run deer k (position + deer.speed)
    rest deer 0 position = run deer deer.duration position
    rest deer (S k) position = position :: rest deer k position

Carry an accumulator containing the scores for each reindeer down the stream, at each position, granting one point to each reindeer at the leader position after the end of the second.

leaderScoring : {n : _} -> Vect (S n) (Stream Nat) -> Stream (Vect (S n) Nat)
leaderScoring xs = leaderScoring' (replicate _ 0) xs
    leaderScoring' : {n : _} -> (acc : Vect (S n) Nat) -> Vect (S n) (Stream Nat)
      -> Stream (Vect (S n) Nat)
    leaderScoring' acc xs = 
      let positions = map (head . tail) xs
          leader_pos = maxBy compare 0 positions
          points : Vect _ Nat = 
            map (\x => if x == leader_pos then 1 else 0) positions
      in acc :: leaderScoring' (zipWith (+) acc points) (map tail xs)

Part Functions

Part 1

Parse the input, generate the position Streams for each reindeer, then index the finish position in each stream.

part1 : Eff (PartEff String) (Nat, ())
part1 = do
  lines <- map lines $ askAt "input"
  reindeer <- traverse parseReindeer lines
  debug $ show reindeer
  let dists = map distances reindeer
  let dists_end = map (index 2503) dists
  let max = maxBy compare 0 dists_end
  pure (max, ())

Parse the input into a vect, and make sure it is not empty, then generate the stream with the leaderScoring function and index into it.

part2 : () -> Eff (PartEff String) Nat
part2 x = do
  line<- map lines $ askAt "input"
  let (len ** lines) = listToVect lines
  case len of
    0 => throw "No reindeer :("
    (S k) => do
    reindeer <- traverse parseReindeer lines
    let dists = leaderScoring $ map distances reindeer
    let dists_end = index 2503 dists
    pure $ maxBy compare 0 dists_end